No church in the New Testament is recorded as worshipping on the Jewish Sabbath. Paul alone is recorded as meeting with lost Jews on the Sabbath in the synogogues for the purpose of evangelization as it was his custom to preach to the Jews first.
The "first day of the week" is the only day that is consistently referenced in the New Testaments with New Testament church worship (Acts 2:1; 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2). Attempts by Saturdarians to escape these clear texts consists of mental gymnastics as do all their manipulations of God's Word.
Matthew 28:1 does not teach Saturn day worship as the Greek term opse is used in the New Testament for a period of time that occurs AFTER the completion of the previous day (Mk. 13:35) and it can be translated perfectly consistent to mean "after the Sabbath was over, and about sunrise" the women went to the tomb on the first day of the week. Gerhard does not like this, but that is tough, because
Mark 13:35 clearly proves it can be translated to mean that.
Saturn Day worship is a false day of worship under the New Covenant. With regard to this OP
Hebrews 4:9-10 and the pronoun "he" has reference to Jesus Christ in verse 14 and just as God finished creation in
Genesis 2:4 with setting apart a day to commemorate the work of creation, Jesus Christ set apart the first day of the week, the day of his resurrection to commemorate the greater finished work of redemption. With regard to
Hebrews 4:1-4 the Old Testament saints that did believe in the gospel entered into the rest of Christ by faith and yet that did not cause Sabbath keeping to stop. Even though Joshua led Israel into the land of rest, it did not cause Sabbath keeping to stop. Even though David conquerored the nations around him and gave the Nation of Israel rest, it did not cause sabbath keeping to stop, and even though Jesus (he) completed the greater work of redemption on the cross, it does not stop sabbath day keeping to stop, but a greater sabbath day was established than Saturn day sabbath keeping, the first day of the week was established in keeping with Psalm 118:24 prophecy and this Sabbath day observing will stop only when we enter into that eternal day of rest (Heb. 4:11) yet to come in the future. The Sabbath day observing under the New Covenant is FREE from all the Levitical laws and restrictions of the Saturn Day Sabbath. Instead, this "made" to be observed by God (Psa. 118:24) for rejoicing and gladness over what God did on that day in contrast to what the Jews did to Christ, it commemorates the resurrection hope of the saints, the birthday of Christ from the womb of the grave as firstborn (Col. 2:16) and is the consistent day of worship for new Testament churches sanctified by the Spirit (Acts 2:1) as the day of Pentecost was observed that year according to the interpretation of the Sadducees, who were in authority, which interpreted
Leviticus 23 to be the 50th day or day after the 7th regular Sabbath, thus the first day of the week.
The aorist tense verb and aorist tense participle in
Mark 16:9 show that the resurrection and the coming of Mary occurred on "the first day of the week."
Gerhard simply manipulates scriptures and the Greek text to support his false Saturn day of worship.