"Principles of God's will are found before the establishment of the Covenant of Law. The principle of supporting those who preach, teach, minister the Word of God is an example. That is seen before, during, and after the Law. Vicarious death is another: that begins in the Garden, continues through the Law, and is ultimately fulfilled in Christ."
"Ideally, God is to be the Governor, but He still had those who governed. A Judge might be a good example. Israel rejected God as their Sole Governor and clamored for a king like other nations. And unfortunately, that is the state we find ourselves in today."
All of the above is of the Old Testament for the purpose of the Nation of Israel, that has NO standing for us in the Christ's Kingdom, for it is NOT of the this world.
A dismissal of Bible Doctrine is the first thing we might expect to see in those who have abherrant doctrine and practice they wish to pawn off as Christian Doctrine.
While I would agree that it is the instruction of the New Testament Epistles that are direct commands to the Body of Christ, we also maintain the principles of God's Word as a whole.
To illustrate that, we will look at Christ's expounding on the principle of the sanctity of life: murder begins in the heart. To hate your brother (and I think we could substitute brother with neighbor and still maintain the principle fully) without cause is to violate God's will.
What happened in the Garden, Cal, is relevant to all men of all Ages and Generations. Because of your dismissal of basic principles taught by the Word of God you don't seem to understand that.
Now let me point out that you are guilty of doing what you are trying to persuade others not to do: you are teaching and trying to make an impact on the very things you say Christians should not be doing.
You are performing as a missionary with an agenda. You can deny it, that won't change the truth.
Now regarding the "Death penalty", please stick to the present topic, in this THREAD and make a comment in the appropriate "Death Posting".....thank you.
Your dismissal of basic principles has blinded you to the relevance of the death penalty in a thread dealing with what Christians should or should not be doing.
The Liberal Agenda thinks it can silence their enemies by telling them what they should or should not say, what they can or cannot do, but let me clue you in on something: you have no power over me or the Word of God.
You will not silence Christians.
Your agenda isn't going to work among those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and evil.
Who are you going to censor here, my friend?
Maybe you are used to those in power shutting down the voice of the Christian, and think that's a good thing, but that is the very thing we fight against. We aren't supposed to bury our heads in the sand because of opposition. That is why so many Christians have died, and been willing to do so, that the Word of God go out and men be saved from the snare of the devil.
The death penalty and how Christians view that happens to be relevant to the topic at hand, so I would suggest you practice what you preach.