I realize this wasn't aimed at me, but I'd like to reply to it anyway:
Hey, I appreciate the response. No fun in everybody agreeing, right?
Plus, I don't expect a response from the OP. I'm thinking he has me on ignore.
IMO, the result of no one standing up to abortion, for example, would be the exact same as it has been since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973...
and professing believers ( as well as others ) have opposed it and tried to convince people against it for decades.
Nothing has changed, and abortions continue.
I would have to disagree with that.
First, I would ask you, are our efforts in vain if only a few lives are saved? What I mean is this: numerous pro-life groups do their very best to persuade women planning to have an abortion to carry the child to term. Would you consider that as "nothing changed?"
Secondly, it's pretty obvious that the Republican Party caters to the Christian and conservative people of this country, seeing it has been a focal issue in their campaigns for quite some time. Do you think they would do that if it were not for the opposition that believers, as well as unbelievers, have presented against abortion?
If you want to see change, simply get all of the Christians who currently voice their opinion on the issue to quit, and it is very likely we might see the Republican party stop running on this issue.
Third, we are to oppose evil no matter what others think, and the murder of the unborn is an evil we can make a difference about.
Lastly, can you tell me that the opposition of Christians against abortion doesn't change anything? Do you think it would be as big an issue if Christians stopped voicing their opinions about it?
I've heard story after story of mothers and children whose lives were affected by the Christians not only speaking out against abortion, pro-actively ministering to those who have been brain-washed by the Liberal Agenda.
From my observations, when the Supreme Court's internal opinion paper was made public via a leak not more than a few weeks ago, the public backlash ( especially by the media ) from those who support it was far worse than I have ever seen it before;
How so?
Do we base our opposition on what the Supreme Court has to say on the matter, or what the Word of God has to say? The Supreme Court is always going to change, by reason of death, but the Word of God and the principles therein are timeless.
The simple fact of the matter is, God's children are far outnumbered in this world... and their voices don't matter in the public eye.
I hate to tell you this, but our voice certainly matters to them.
Who do you think they went to war against?
And they are winning. They have stopped the mouths of many Christians. They have normalized what not so long ago was accepted as evil.
So having those who advocate a further retreat from the fight against evil (and that is precisely what I see the OP doing, I do not see anything remotely Christian about it) is in my view ridiculous. Particularly when it is supposedly a Christian doing it.
And before I break my soapbox, I will also mention what I view to be probably the worst result of the Liberal and anti-biblical propositions of the OP: there are many people I believe who falsely believe they are Christians, but aren't. We see them advocating a further retreat from what we are called to do, and that is to preach the Gospel. As you mention, a core element of the Gospel is that we are preaching and teaching to those who are dead. I have a hard time believing those who reject Scripture's teaching that homosexuality, murder, and being light in the darkness of this world are in fact Christians. How someone can be a Christian and not only embrace evil doctrine so blatantly unbiblical but go out and seek to subvert others with their false doctrine is beyond me.
And I'll be honest, the OP seems more like the ministry of Atheism than a Christian discussion.
Even if outlawed, abortion will continue.
And even if outlawed, adultery will continue. Murder will continue. Hatred will continue.
Doesn't mean we stop preaching and teaching that it is wrong.
One cannot influence spiritually dead people to care about the things of God, my friend.
On the contrary, who exactly do you think God uses to bring men to the truth?
If we step away from our responsibilities the only thing we have accomplished is that we have given the other side free reign.
And that is precisely what the Body of Christ has done in the last forty years. That is why the Liberal Agenda is so powerful. You may not remember the Johnson and Johnson boycott not too terribly long ago. There was a call for Christians to boycott because they were supporting the Homosexual Agenda (which is just one horn of that beast, the Liberal Agenda). J and J caved in.
Seems like Christians had an impact there.
That takes the power of the Lord Himself to do, through His work of the new birth.
There is no new birth apart from the Gospel. And how shall they hear, Dave?
May His blessings be upon you.
And you, my friend. I appreciate the response.
God bless.