The late Dr. Richard Weeks said:
An organized, autonomous band of immersed Believers, observing New Testament ordinances, having New Testament officers and actively carrying out the Great Commission.
Yes.. this is it. This is what 'the church' is.
Thayer wrote that in all the references to church in the New Testament.. in all the Greek lexicons there is not one time when it means anything other than something visible and local.
Even when all believers become one church eventually-- it is still local and visible.
As to christian businessmen meeting.. well yeah I would say the Holy Spirit wouldn't be 'in the midst' of that kind of meeting. It's not a church.
Unless those men were part of the same church. (I don't mean a building BTW). Then the Holy Spirit would be 'in the midst'.
It doesn't have to be the 'church service' on sunday.. it could be in bible study.. fellowshipping etc.. but it is within that local church organism.. that church family.
This isn't 'limiting the Holy Spirit'.. it's abiding by the boundaries He has set in how He works.
An organized, autonomous band of immersed Believers, observing New Testament ordinances, having New Testament officers and actively carrying out the Great Commission.
Yes.. this is it. This is what 'the church' is.
Thayer wrote that in all the references to church in the New Testament.. in all the Greek lexicons there is not one time when it means anything other than something visible and local.
Even when all believers become one church eventually-- it is still local and visible.
As to christian businessmen meeting.. well yeah I would say the Holy Spirit wouldn't be 'in the midst' of that kind of meeting. It's not a church.
Unless those men were part of the same church. (I don't mean a building BTW). Then the Holy Spirit would be 'in the midst'.
It doesn't have to be the 'church service' on sunday.. it could be in bible study.. fellowshipping etc.. but it is within that local church organism.. that church family.
This isn't 'limiting the Holy Spirit'.. it's abiding by the boundaries He has set in how He works.