Everyone who reads scripture get something different out of it. It was written to speak to men's hearts.Frankly, you don't know me at all.
I claim no special knowledge.
Telling people they need training on how to interpret scripture
I don't think I.....especially "ALONE" have the correct means to understand Scripture.
That is nonsense. The Bible is translated in simple English. The only thing educated man can do is what people do already read and study it for them selves. Educated men can only tell them to do that or mislead them, If a man want's truth the Bible is something we have to study for our selves with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It takes prayer sometimes to get understanding and all we have to do is ask. He leads me into all truth and scripture say's that He will. We don't need an educated men to do what God does Him Self.I am arguing that more educated men have helped me immensely, and if you had humility you could benefit from it too.
Your view reminds me of Catholic preist telling men "of course my son I'll explain it to you." I know what Christ said to the Sadducee who were always warning Him. They were among the highest educated men of the time especially about the scriptures.
I don't claim to know it all my friend. Yet I do know the Bible well enough to know that educated men can't benefit me at all as far as truth is concerned. If the scriptures were so complicated as you imply that no one could understand them ,only educated men would ever have Salvation. That my friend is false. Need I remind you that the pharisee's and Sadducee's missed the mark by miles this is what listening to educated men got them.I don't think I'm "wise"....I think that I've been arguing that wiser men are helpful, and you are, and have been, arguing that you understand Scripture without the aid of people who have spent lifetimes mastering the craft.
I don't think you are stupid I'm just convinced you are wrong about the advice of men about the scriptures. I think down deep you know I'm right.You are trying to reverse the argument.
I'm not stupid.
This doesn't fly.
You are arguing that you only need you and Jesus.
I'm saying you need to put effort into it and seek help from people who have spent decades mastering it professionally as a craft.
I accept that help...
You think you can master it without effort.
Try again.
I'm not buying this trash, and no one else is either.[/QUOTE]
I didn't say I don't need help we all do at times we just do not need men for that help we need Christ alone. Try asking God for help you might just get a bog surprise.