I believe you are applying His words wrong per your references in tying to make your point.
There are scriptural references provided for you to click on to see that it reproves you for how you are applying His words wrong, but of course, it is on God to cause the increase. You are not alone in this shortsightedness for why scripture proves otherwise.
As iron sharpen iron, I seek your good in the Lord as only Jesus can prune the fruitful so they can bear more fruit as He has done for me..
You're so far off, I am not even going to quote the references within
Matthew 7:13-27, to the lost, lost, lost, lost.
All are lost unless God shows Mercy.
Heretics teach that The garden of Eden is in the present state and all humans have a choice to believe in one Tree in The Garden or the other.
"Jesus is not the Savior" comes in thousands of versions.
The Fact that God Choses some is His Business and the Fact that He Simply leaves the rest and doesn't Grant them the ability to Repent and Have Faith is O.K. with them.
They love darkness rather than Light and Will Be Eternally Judged so.
T.P. Simmons
Clear thinking is very much needed when we come to deal with the free agency of man. Some have imagined it a very difficult subject because they have made out of it something other than what it is.
For the same reason some have charged that the doctrine of unconditional election, a Bible and Baptist doctrine, destroys the free agency of man.
Well does Spurgeon say: "In reference to the matter of predestination and free will, I have often heard men ask, 'How do you make them agree?' I think there is another question just as difficult to solve. 'How do you make them differ?' The two may be as easily made to concur as to clash. It seems to me a problem which cannot be stated, and a subject that needs no solution!" (Sermons, Vol. 13, p. 31). I. FREE AGENCY OF MAN A BAPTIST DOCTRINE
The New Hampshire Declaration of Faith, widely accepted among Baptists, declares that election is "perfectly consistent with the free agency of man."
The late George W. McDaniel, while president of the Southern Baptist Convention, said in a personal letter to the author: "The Baptist position recognizes both divine sovereignty and free moral agency." Spurgeon says: "The predestination of God does not destroy the free agency of man, or lighten the responsibility of the sinner" (Sermons, Vol. 18, p. 30).
D. F. Estes (Hamilton Theological Seminary and Colgate University) says: "The moral freedom of man was clearly held by Paul, and none the less positively and tenaciously because of certain other views which he held but which seem to some to be inconsistent therewith" (New Testament Theology, p. 104).
W. W. Hamilton says: "God has united certain great facts in salvation, and we must surely come to grief if we fail to recognize this. Sovereignty and free will are seen closely related when Peter said at the great revival on Pentecost, 'Him being delivered up by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye by the wicked hands of lawless men did crucify and slay." (Bible Evangelism, p. 90).
J. M. Pendleton says: "There are no truths more plainly revealed in the Bible than that God is sovereign and man is free (Christian Doctrines, p. 103).
E. Y. Mullins says: "Free will in man is as fundamental a truth as any other in the Gospel and must never be cancelled in our doctrinal statements. Man would not be man without it and God never robs us of our true moral manhood in saving us" (Baptist Beliefs, p. 26).
J. P. Boyce says: "Free agency belongs to the nature of an intelligent moral creature. He must have freedom of choice, or he would not be responsible for his action. The very essence of responsibility consists in the power of contrary action, had one so pleased" (Abstract of Systematic Theology, p. 224).
A. H. Strong says: "Free agency ... has been shown to be consistent with the decrees (of God)" (Systematic Theology, p. 117).
It is manifest from the above quotations that free agency, according to its use among Baptist authors, must have a meaning different from that which many people understand it to have. Spurgeon, Estes, Pendleton, Mullins, Boyce, and Strong are all clear in their teaching of unconditional election.
"Man cannot do otherwise than continue in sin so long as he is in his natural state (Jer. 17:9; Prov. 4:23; Job 14-4; Jer. 13:23; John 6:65; Rom. 8:7,8; 1 Cor. 2:14).
But his continuance in sin is not due to outside compulsion or restraint, but to his own character which causes him to choose darkness rather than light (John 3:19).
He continues in sin for the same reason that a hog wallows in the mire.
He continues in sin for the same reason that God continues in holiness.
Thus he is fully a free agent."
Man is free and God is Sincere in telling Mankind that all are children of WRATH.
Some do not come to Jesus because they do not want to, based on their Natural Decendancy from Adam, who was in The Garden of Eden and Fell, as Representative of the rest of Mankind.
You Will Not Come unto Me is what Jesus said about their 'will'.
"Whosoever believes" and those God Gives Conviction, Repentance, & Faith are simply THE SAME.
God Does Not Give the Commission to Preach the Gospel to every creature, TO ANY HERETIC.
God Commissions His children through His churches and Gives them His Direction to preach to everyone. No Promise is Made TO EVERYONE.
Jesus DID NOT DIE for EVERYONE, in any respect.
A.) They could have ALL Rejected Him, leaving His Death, Burial, and Resurrection a waste.
B.) No One Jesus Died for Will Go to Hell.
C.) Jesus and a lost person in Hell Did Not Both Suffer the Wrath of God for their sins.