The supernatural power of God to DRAW ALL is seen again in Rev 3 "
I STAND at the door and KNOCK -
if ANYONE HEARS my voice AND OPENS the door I WILL come in". Rev. 3:20
Look at how it's worded. It say that "if any man will hear my voice". The natural man will never hear His voice, only the inner man that has been given ears to hear with. The natural man will never hear this if he is left in his fallen state.
"Behold I STAND at the door and KNOCK" is not "fallen man left to his natural state". The context is the act of God in seeking out the lost and then getting their attention.
But the lost have a choice to make. They can choose to hear AND to open the door - or they can choose to ignore Christ.
"He came to HIS OWN and HIS OWN received Him not" John 1
The sense of the Rev 3 text is not "whoever I arbitrarily select out and cause to hear and cause to open the door - so just wait for Me and see if I might happen to select you".
All the work of God is complete in reaching the lost - He is at their very door - there is no "but they cannot hear Me" and there is no "But they cannot open the door" in the text.
The whole sense of the text has to be "set on its head" for Calvinism to even begin to work there.
There is no "Whoever I first regenerate - will hear and I will cause them to open the door" in the text - rather this is the eisegete needed in Calvinism where the text is "lacking" the Calvinist spin.
in Christ,