The supernatural power of God to DRAW ALL is seen again in Rev 3 "
I STAND at the door and KNOCK -
if ANYONE HEARS my voice AND OPENS the door I WILL come in". Rev
It all works - if one does not eisegete meaning into the text that is not there.
There is a "crush your freewill and drag you like a zombie" insert in the Calvinist model - that is missing from scripture's view of "Draw".
Thus "
He CAME to HIS OWN and
HIS OWN received Him not" John 1
God crushed our stony heart and gave us a heart of flesh. This takes place with regeneration.
Indeed it does - but regeneration does not take place before the sinner chooses Christ.
The supernatural drawing of God is "sufficient" to allow the unregenerate man to choose Christ, choose the Gospel - then follows regeneration.
For "as many as are IN' CHRIST are a new creation" 2Cor 5. Man must first choose to "open that door" before Christ comes in and the new creation - made in the likeness of Christ (Christ in you the hope of Glory) takes place.
We aren't zombies, but were dead in trespasses and sins, unable to do any works in regards to being saved.
True - apart from the "Drawing of ALL" - but given the "Drawing of ALL" we are all enabled to make that choice to come to Christ.
The Holy Spirit "convicts the WORLD of sin and righteousness and judgment" - not "just the born-again".
in Christ,