Hi Hank D, scripture clearly reveals what you claim is a mystery.
When was Judas chosen as the betrayer? Certainly the prophecy predates his physical birth. But the prophecy was generic, someone would betray, not Judas would betray. So no actual basis to conclude he was chosen before his actual lifetime.
“Brethren, (A)the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, (B)who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus.
John 17:12 can be read to say Judas was chosen and given to Jesus to be the betrayer. Do you see that?
Judas was not predestined to be the betrayer until he was chosen for that fulfillment.
But lets discuss what is meant by predestined. A condition or action or circumstance, such as a betrayal, can be predestined without a specific person being predestined to carry it out. All those redeemed by Jesus can be predestined, because they are redeemed, to be raised in glorified bodies, without at the same time choosing which individuals to redeem.
You say the basis of God's individual election is a mystery, but 2 Thessalonians 2:13 says we were chosen for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth. No mystery in that!
There is no tension or mystery between God's sovereignty and our autonomous choices. God sets before us the choice of life or death. We may choose life with our lips, or even with our heart, yet not set aside the treasures of this world, and we will not be saved. It is God alone who sovereignly credits our worthless faith as righteousness, and places us spiritually in Christ. He says the work we need to do is trust in Christ, but He is the one who decides whether or not to have mercy on us, for it does not depend on the man that wills.
All the issues fade away once you look at salvation is the correct sequence. Before creation, God chose the Word to be His lamb, 1 Peter 1:19-20. Was this before the fall? Yes! So before Creation God had chosen His redeemer. Now is it a logical possibility to choose a redeemer without a plan to redeem? No. So everyone was chosen corporately as those to be redeemed, before the foundation of the world. Hence, God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, corporately, but not individually. This view then allows us to be chosen individually during our lifetime based on God crediting our faith as righteousness, just like 2 Thessalonians 2:13 says.
This view is completely consistent will all scripture. John 3:16 says whoever believes in Him shall not perish. Who would decide who believes, the guy professing belief, or God who knows our hearts? God of course.
Yes I know the Calvinists constantly assert no one can seek God or trust in Christ unless they are regenerated via irresistible grace. But that is a fiction. Jesus in Matthew 13:1-26 teaches us about four different kinds of people. The first soil is like what Calvinists claim all fallen people are like. They cannot understand or respond to the gospel, it is like they never heard it. But Calvinism ignores the other three soils, which receive the gospel in their fallen state.
Greetings Van,
Thanks for your civil (and all others of like kind) rebuttal.
"mystery" - OK I didn't use that word but it's functional if we understand that it's a term used of something that we currently can't or don't understand concerning the focus of the debate.
True, some of the details and apparent sequentiality of that focus which are constructable in our minds seems to make sense (and does to a degree) but a full comprehension I believe we do not or cannot know.
Personally, I am one who believes that time is a created entity in which we are caught up apart from God's state of being which is eternal of which the only real thing we have any measure of comprehension is that it has no beginning or end.
So when we view salvation from a point of view that is both chronologically sequential having to do with this present biological life having a beginning and end that then is the source of confusion not only about the outworkings of that salvation but as to the very character of God Himself the author of said salvation (after the counsel of His own will).
Our limited understanding appears to me to be like a key which fits in the door but cannot open it.
Personally I believe that even we His children will have to wait until
we are enabled to communicate with our father on a level of total comprehensive only after we are resurrected and glorified according to His promise.
Until then I don't believe we can know the whole story while in the flesh.
NKJV Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 8:17 Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it.
True and beyond debate is that much of the "mystery" of salvation has been revealed in these last days.
But one day I believe we shall see
in toto.
1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Until then we have that old commandment in which we should abide, the one which He made new while here in His flesh. 1 John 2:7-10.