Here is some comentary that is very good regarding regarding the extreme errors of Calvinism...
How many errors are there is this commentray?
My unbelief begins where Calvinism begins: at the “T.”
Since when does Calvinism start with the 'T' only the ignorent equate the five points of Calvinism with Calvinism. The TULIP acrostic was first presented around 1905 by Boetnerr as a summary of the teachings of the synod of Dordt which in itself was a response to thye five points of the remosntrants. The remonstrants were remonstranting aginst reformed soteriology. Hence their statements are not a full orbed positive assertion of what the Calvinist believes but rather a focused response to what the remonstrants disputed.
Calvinistic theology begins with God, or more specificially our understanding of God's sovereignty. What does the bible teach about God's soveriegnty:
1 - God can do anything - Gen 18:14, Num 11:23, Job 42:2, Ps 103:19, Dan 4:17, Jer 32:17, 27, luke 1:37, Eph 1:11
2 - God will do everything he pleases - Ps 115:3, Ps 135:6
3 - God's purposes will not be thwarted - Job 9:12, Job 11:10, Job 12:14, Job 42:2, Prov 21:30, Ecc 7:13, Isa 14:27, Isa 43:13, Lam 3:37
4 - God will not be thwarted in what he pleases - Isa 46:9-10, Dan 4:35, Rev 3:7
5 - God rules over good and bad - Deut 32:39, 1 Sam 2:6, 7, Job 2:10, Eccles 7:14, Isa 45:6-7, Lam 3:38, Amos 3:6
Then of course there is the all importnat Eph 1:11.
This view of God's proactive total control of his creation is the basis of reformed soteriology - not total depravity!
Total depravity
Simply put, Total Depravity is not a Biblical principle. Romans 5:12 states that death spread to “all men because all sinned.” Additionally, in Ezekiel 12:23 God declares through the prophet that “all souls are mine,” and “the soul that sins shall die.” The idea that we are born into or inherit sin doesn’t mesh with Bible teaching.
I guess the commentator has read Psalm 51:5 " Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me." or perhaps he reads it through the lense of his traditions like he does the texts he quotes and so asserts the sin to be David's mothers!
Now here is the issues if sin and guilt is not imputed to us, how can we be made rightous by imputed rightousness?
Total Depravity also claims that man is so corrupt that he is incapable of doing any good.
Strawman! It claims nothing of the sort. Total depravity does NOT claim that man is as evilas he could be, or that he is unable to recognise the will of God, or unable of doing any good towards his fellow man. No, it simply means that men has fallen in his totality - the whole personality, intellect, emotions, affections, understanding etc of man is tainted by sin.
If that is the case, it would then be impossible for man to choose to repent. (Something we are commanded to do by the Lord).
Which is why we need regeneration. Now waht really worries me about these comments is that the writer seems to be taking a pelagian view of man.
God’s instruction is clear – repentance is essential for salvation. (Acts 2:38; 2 Peter 3:9). But if man is incapable of good, how is repentance possible? (It’s not!)
Hence we need to be saved by grace! Eph 2:8-9
Unconditional election
I cannot believe in Calvinism because it undermines so many principles outlined specifically in the Bible. In fact, the doctrine of Unconditional Election attacks the very nature of God. If God allows only the elect to be saved, and God predetermined those elect, then naturally, God also chose to condemn every soul who was not elected; effectively creating some men for the purpose of condemnation. That is not the God we read about in 2 Tim. 2:3-4. “God...who desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.”
You know someone is on the wrong tract when they are telling you what you believe - or rather what you must believe. Now I cannot understand how anyone can read words like 'saved' and 'redeemed' and not seem as completed tasks, but rather as something that is potential based upon our ability to believe - but I know many people do see it that way.
No, the point is we are all deserving of hell because we are all sinners. However the doctrine of election is that God has saved many from that judgement.
One more thing I would say before moving on is that the only theological system that solves this 'problem' (if you see it as such) is open theism. Even a simple foreknowledge view lays some blame at God's feet for he has created a world in which he knew some would not believe, therefore in his creative act he condenmed people to hell.
Consider this: If God has chosen those who will be saved and Jesus died only for a select few, why does the Bible reflect such a strong need for evangelism? In Matthew 28:19, Jesus told his apostles to go into the world in preach the gospel to “all creation.” If only an elect few are to receive salvation, and those few have already been determined by God, then why evangelize? Why teach the truth? Why attempt to follow God’s path at all? Accepting the error of Unconditional Election, in effect, nullifies the ministry of Jesus and the teaching of the Bible’s inspired authors.
Again a strawmen. The bible is clear that God has appointed means. Here is a counter question, if God desire all men everywhere to be saved why does he set many people at unfair disadvantage, for example why are the people who from the day are born, to the day they die never hear the gospel?
Building upon that, the Bible is unmistakably clear about who can receive salvation. The idea of “Limited Atonement,” that the death of Jesus was only meant for a certain group of people, cannot be supported by scripture. I would first draw attention to Romans 1:16 – the gospel is the “power of God to salvation for everyone who believes...”
Cretainly all those who believe will be saved, but how can you establish scripturally that faith/ believe originates in us.
Or what about 1 Timothy 2:6 – Jesus gave himself as a ransom “for all.” Scripture is clear – Christ died for everyone!
This is universalism, if Jesus Christ has ransomed all men then all will be saved!
The error of Calvinism is definite.
Yet the commentator has not correctly articulated the teachings of Calvinism!
We can know with certainty that this doctrine is supported by neither God nor His inspired word.
So what is, pelagianism or universalism, the commentator seems to embrace both.
Because we know that, we must be able and ready to engage, inform, and persuade the followers of Calvinism. I cannot believe in Calvinism, but I certainly do believe that God desires all to know the truth!
Can I suggest to the commentator that before he tries this he actually takes the time to understand the theology of those he seesk to engage with