This is where, "Worshipping God", is lost on His enemies.
PRAISE JESUS, GOD ALMIGHTY that YOU HAVE REVEALED that YOU are a GOD WHO has SHOWN US the Answer to 1) can a chosen man ever ultimately be lost
is, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", Saved to The Uttermost.
and PRAISE JESUS, GOD ALMIGHTY that YOU HAVE REVEALED that YOU are a GOD WHO has SHOWN US the Answer to 2) can an unelected man ever be saved,
His By Grace--"John Gill: A Body of Doctrinal & Practical Divinity"-Doctrinal Book 2, Chapter 3
*"I shall prove that
there is a non-election, or rejection of some of the sons of men, when others were chosen; and, indeed, from the election of some, may fairly be inferred, the non-election of others.
Common sense tells us, that of persons or things, if some are chosen, others must be left: if there is a remnant of the sons of men, according to the election of grace, then there are others not included in it, which are left unchosen, and are called the rest.
"The election", that is, elect men, "hath obtained it", righteousness and eternal life;
"and the rest were blinded", #Ro 11:5,7.
Our Lord says,
"I speak not of you all; I know whom I have chosen", #Joh 13:18 plainly intimating, that all were not chosen, and it is certain one was not, and whom he calls
"the son of perdition"; one, not only deserving of it, but appointed to it; for though chosen to an office, as an apostle,
yet not to grace and glory, #Joh 17:12
and how many such there be, no man can pretend to say;
but it is evident
there are some, and who are generally described by negative characters; as not known by God and Christ; the elect are God's people, whom he knows; they are elect, according to his foreknowledge;
which carries in it love and affection to them;
but of others Christ says, "I never knew you"; he knew them by his omniscience, but not with such knowledge as he knows the elect of God; he never knew them as the objects of his Father's love, and his own; he never knew them as the objects of his Father's choice, and his own; he never knew them in the gift of his Father to him, #Mt 7:23
hence they are represented as
"not" loved, which is meant by being hated:
"Esau have I hated";
that is, had not loved him, as he had Jacob; for it cannot be understood of positive hatred, for God hates none of his creatures, as such, only as workers of iniquity; but of negative hatred, or of not loving him; which, in comparison of the love he bore to Jacob, might be called hatred: in which sense the word is used in #Lu 14:26.
Moreover, they are spoken of as
"not" being given to Christ;
for if there are some that are
"given" to him
"out of the world", then
there must be a world which are not given, and for whom he has not so much concern as even to pray for them, #Joh 17:6,9
they are frequently described, as
not having their names written, and not to be found written in the Lamb's book of life, #Re 13:8 17:8 20:15.
Now as election is signified by the writing of names in the book of life,
non-election is expressed by not writing the names of some there; and if those whose names are written there, are the elect, then
those whose names are not written these, but are left out, must be non-elect: to which may be added, that our Lord says of these persons,
"Ye are not of my sheep", and gives this as a reason why they believed not in him, #Joh 10:26.
the goats he will place on his left hand, pass sentence of condemnation on them, and send them into everlasting punishment, #Mt 25:33,41,46.
Moreover, from the effects of election not having place in some persons, it may be concluded, that
there are such who are non-elect.
The effectual calling is a certain fruit and effect of election;
"Whom he did predestinate, them he also called", #Ro 8:30
not only externally, but internally, with an holy and heavenly calling, to grace here, and glory hereafter.
But are all called in this manner?
No; there are some who have not so much as the outward call by the ministry of the word, have not the external means of grace; but as they sin without law, perish without it, #Ro 10:14 2:12.
Those who are chosen, are predestinated to be conformed to the image of Christ;
they are chosen to holiness, and through sanctification of the Spirit.
But are all made like to Christ, and conformed to his image? do not many bear the image of Satan, imitate him, and do his lusts? are all men made holy, or have they the sanctification of the Spirit?
Whom God predestinates he justifies, by the righteousness of his Son.
But are all men justified?
No; for though he justifies some of all sorts and nations; as the circumcised Jews by faith, and the uncircumcised Gentiles through faith, yet not every individual; yea, there is a world that will be condemned, and consequently not predestinated to life, #1Co 11:32.
They that are chosen, are predestinated to the adoption of children, and enjoy both the grace and inheritance of children.
But are all children and heirs? is there not such a distinction among men, as children of God, and children of the devil; between whom there is, and will be, an eternal difference? #1Jo 3:10 and therefore there must be an election, and a non-election among them.
Moreover, whom God has predestinated, or chosen to life and happiness, these he glorifies, #Ro 8:30 they obtain the glory of Christ, which his Father has given him for them, and to which they are chosen and called, #Joh 17:22 2Th 2:13,14.
But are all glorified? do not some go into perdition, even into everlasting punishment? and therefore must be considered as non-elect, #Re 17:8 Mt 25:46.
To all which may be added, that those that are given to Christ, which is but another phrase for being chosen in him; these, he says, shall come to him, and he will in no wise cast them out;
yea, that they are his sheep, whom he must bring to his Father, to himself, to his fold, to grace and glory, #Joh 6:37 10:16.
But are there not some whom Christ will drive away from him, and to then, say, "Depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire", #Mt 7:23 25:41.
All this put together most clearly
and fully proves,
that there are some
who are not chosen of God,
but rejected by him."