Alex, you are right, I have changed my view 3 times (my count) during this thread. I change when I see that a premise I hold that supports the conclusion I hold is proven false, otherwise it is still a possibly true premise. You and many others have just added additional premises and that is why I rejected most every argument made. It wasn't because yours is a false premise, it was that you couldn't show why I should rule out my original premise. The results are that yes, you could be right and I wrong, but equally I could be right and you wrong.
Here is the current argument and my comments of what the current proofs and refutes have shown.
I have used Adam as a premise that God breathed life into his nostrils and this is when life began for him. Other verses supports that life is somehow connected to the breath and that without the breath we die. I extended Adam's experience with breath to people in general.
Instead of attacking and showing why this isn't a valid way to determine life and because it is truly a "possible" way to determine life, it must be proven not to be a way, before I dismiss it.
Instead I have gotten arguments like, well that doesn't count since we are talking about a man vs. a conception. However, that statement is not supported with facts as to why it "can't" be considered, and no scripture or evidence is provide that doesn't disprove the breath idea.
Until it is eliminated as a possible way of determining life, it stays in the equation. Right now it has been knocked back to 11 weeks. At which time First breath could be said to occur.
However, it continues to be an option, there has been no argument to knock it completely out. Another problem that keeps it as a possibility is that the other "possibilities" are just that, possibilities, since scripture doesn't come out and state that life begins at conception. If it said that then first breath would not be a possibility. Other arguments so far is that names like "child", is used in verses and somehow that is suppose to be an argument for life.
I would think that carries even less weight than breath since scripture equates breath with life, but does not equate a name like "child" with life. Plus, I have already shown where the word "man" was used for man before he came to life, therefore names that label are not a basis in scripture to signify when life begins.
Helen presented a valid argument from a secular viewpoint of the wrongness of abortion. I accepted it. Gina presented valid arguments which eliminated Numbers 5 as a defense of abortion. I accepted that one also.
Gina (Chrys) also has presented valid arguments that while it did not eliminate the first breath hypothesis but did prove if it is in fact, a way of determining life, that we must assume at 11 weeks that it could be the time when the fetus starts to breathe fluid which may or may not contain life's breath. I accepted it.
Therefore Life at first breath could start at 11 weeks. If we can find scripture that would rule out this idea altogether, then we are left with the possibility that life could start at conception and it would be the best choice to accept, even if we don't know for sure due to a lack of Biblical instruction on the matter of life beginnings.