It is a hot button topic and I doubt it can be discussed calmly and rationally.
And I am serious in my earlier reply. It is not better for white racists, whoever they are, as electing a black president was simply something they can not accept. For them matters are worse as their world is changing and changing in a way they hate. Thus they will never accept anything Obama does as good, even if it is.
For others his election showed we are making progress in our the relations between the races.
If the number of mixed race couples is an indication of racism being reduced then certainly, at least in the area I live, there is much less racism now than before he was elected. I see growing numbers of young mixed race couples with small children in this area.
The church I go to had two African Americans attending prior to 2008. I'd say about 35 percent of the attendees now are African American. To me that is an indication of better race relations.
On the personal level of individuals I believe race relations is better now. I do not give Obama or the Democrats credit for this as I believe it is a non-political movement of American society coming to accept each other in a better way now and I believe this will continue.
This movement will result in anger and discomfort in others. But that is always true in any change in a society.