According to scripture, because believing is a work, an act of the mind and or heart.
So if you condition salvation on your believing, or your obeying, then you are believing in salvation by your works, which is totally against Salvation by Grace, by Christ !
Here is what Jesus Christ said about salvation. He should know about salvation if anyone knows. Read it with me.
John 4:22
Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
There is no verse in scripture that modifies that clear and unambiguous statement.
Quoting this statement is a setup for the point I am getting ready to make. The point is that all salvation is not by grace as the first or operative principle of God although the grace of God figures into all salvation in some way. Salvation is the operative principle of salvation to gentiles and clear thinkers with a logical mind and a quiet confidence in the veracity of the words of scripture, both in the OT and in the New will affirm this.
Here is what I know. Salvation came to the Jewish nation by PROMISE as the first principle of God. This means that God has provided salvation to this nation because of his own promises in times past to do so. All the tabernacle worship ceremonies and the annual feasts were but types that were designed to instruct Israel in God's marvelous salvation. God provided the figures of the true sacrifice that could not in reality take away sin and he never brought the sacrifice himself. Israel came to the tabernacle with a sacrifice and made atonement by putting the substitute to death. God accepted that but it was God himself who ultimately brought the true sacrifice and put him to death and raised him 3 days later and now men are not making atonement for their sins, they are receiving the atonement that God has made by offering his own son. It takes reason and logic and will to make this transaction. There is nothing magical about this. One must know and understand God well enough, and himself well enough, to know he is in desperate need of forgiveness and Jesus is the only way. Working for righteousness is bringing one's own blood sacrifice to God as did the Jews but believing is to receive the righteousness by the sacrifice that God brought for us.
Salvation is visited upon gentiles because of Israel's national rejection of Christ. God gave Israel 40 years to receive his promise and when they refused to enter into his rest, and continued their temple worship with blood sacrifices, he responded by dispersing the whole nation from their own land and tore down their temple, not leaving one stone upon another. This happened in 70 AD and from this time the Jews were under governments of gentiles and considered by God as gentiles and their land covenants were kept in abeyance while he sought out a gentile bride for his son. This is his purpose in this age and this truth is revealed by the apostle Paul in his letters that are written to gentiles. All the 8 gentile women in the OT who were married to Jewish men, such as Ruth, Rebekah, Rahab, etc are typical of Jesus Christ, the Jew, and his gentile bride, who is awaiting the marriage supper of the Lamb.
I would like to remind you of a statement in the NT about the OT. Here it is.
Ro 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Salvation is based in the OT and is preparation for the salvation of God. The systematic theology of your crowd, BF, does not account for the truths taught in the OT. You make all those things nothing but figurative language
Because Ephesians is explaining the history of the inclusion of the gentiles into this purpose of God in forming his church, the body of Christ, with equal standing with the Jewish believing remnant, in this present age, the whole purpose is called by God as the mystery of Christ. It is not prophesied in the OT and therefore requires revelation, which God gave to Paul through the Spirit, he says in Ephesians 3. The connection to this truth in the OT is through the OT figures and shadows and types and similitudes.
The modern philosophies by which most men approach these great NT truths is sure to obscure the truths that God is revealing to us by these words. When I see the the comments of some here it is apparent they do not have a clue about these great mysteries of God that are revealed in the NT. Example, if God really did prechoose individual gentiles to be saved, why would he have written the following statement about gentiles?
Eph 2:11 Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands;
12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
That is serious and it was gentiles before the blood of Christ was shed and before God included gentiles as part of the program in AD 40 or Actts 10.