Dude, calm down. You're going to give yourself a stroke here.:smilewinkgrin:
To answer your question of "why are they doing it" the answer is that they AREN'T. It's your subjective opinion based on what you believe proper gender behavior to be. That's the whole point.
You can't have it both ways.
You can't admit that homosexuals DO act in a real way that is effeminate on one hand...
and then pretend on the other hand that there is no real effeminacy because it is only a matter of opinion.
If it is true, as you admit, that many homosexual men do act effeminately then it is not a matter of opinion. It is true that there is a way in which some men can act which is clearly effeminate. You conceded this already.
Now what others and I am trying to tell you is that there are men who have wives and children that act the same way that these men who are homosexuals act. They do not sleep with other men like these homosexuals but they DO walk, talk and move like them.
You may be so isolated that you have never seen heterosexual men who walk, talk and act like homosexual men- but I dare say that MOST of the WORLD HAS seen this many times.
The question is this: is it okay for a heterosexual man to walk, talk and act like Bruno even though he does not sleep with other men?
The question is very simple.
I am not being in the least bit ambiguous.
You can answer-YES. it is perfectly fine for any man to walk, talk and act like a woman or a homosexual as long as he is not ACTUALLY a homosexual
You can answer- NO. A man ought to seek to walk, talk and act in a way that is distinctively NOT feminine and homosexual-like.
This is not complicated, Sis.