Just saying I believe is not enough to save anyone.
I never said
saying "I believe" does anything. There can be a difference between what you say and what you believe.
The devils also believe and tremble, yet they are not, nor can they ever be saved.
Notice what the passage says was believed: "that there is one God." That, of course, is not enough to save.
Jesus said many would profess 'wonderful works', and yet He would say, 'I never knew you'.
Are these people being honest? Is it that their works weren't good enough, or were they trusting in their works? Are we then required to do "more incredibly wonderful works" to be considered saved?
There are to be works, but they must be His works, not our own.
Ok. What kind of "His works" are you talking about. I really would like you to be specific.
What are the works? If I can't know
what, am I supposed to
wonder about my salvation for the rest of my life? Please don't be ambiguous, or that is the natural result--wonder and doubt. I John 5:13 says we can
know that we have eternal life. If there are "works" that are
required, and I don't know what they are, then how can I
know with absolute 100% certainty that I have eternal life?
Also, these works that are His works, and not our own, do they happen robotically, or do they take effort on my part?
BTW, maybe I sound like I am unsure of my salvation. I am not. I know with 100% certainty that I am saved, and I try to and want to serve God with my heart. I am kind of playing "devil's advocate" to get you to think.