God "finished" all his works in six days and rested from "all his works" that he both "created" and "made" on the Seventh day.
Satan was created "perfect" in all his ways and sin was not "FOUND" in him until AFTER CREATION! The Bible explicitly denies sin was "created" but God but rather was "FOUND" by God AFTER the works of creation had ceased! If you can't see this, that is your problem not mine!
If you can't find a lexicon and see that the term translated "evil" in Isaiah 45:7 can mean "calamites" that is your problem not mine.
If you can see Isaiah 45:7 is placed in a prophetic context following a predicted savior ("Cyrus" - vv. 1-5) that would deliver Israel from "EVIL" bondage and all the calamaties 70 years bondage that is your problem not mine!
God raised up Babylon and Assyria to bring "evil" calamaties upon the Northern and Southern Tribes and God raised up Cyrus to deliver them from that "evil"!
Gen. 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
God says that he rested on the Seventh day from his creative works! Do you believe that? Apparently not!
Eze 28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
God says that Lucifer was perfect FROM THE DAY HE WAS CREATED! Do you believe that? Apparently not!
Eze 28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
God says that AFTER creation moral evil was "FOUND" in Lucifer! Do you believe that? Apparently not!
Prior to this moral evil "found" in Lucifer AFTER God ceased from his creative works there was no moral evil as Lucifer was created perfect "in all thy ways"! Do you believe that? Apparently not!
If all the above is true and it is, then "evil" in Isaiah 47:5 cannot possibly refer to "moral" evil being created by God as moral evil was "found" AFTER creation had ceased. Hence, "evil" in Isaiah 47:5 can only refer to what is opposite of "peace" or evil in the sense of calamities, providential evils. Cyrus was raised up to deliver Israel from circumstantials evils due to slavery - that is the context.
If you cannot understand this, it is your problem not mine. To simply repeat a verse JERKED out of context and SELECTIVELY interpreted when the overall Biblical facts are contrary shows you are a heretic - opinionated without spiritual discernment.