Other Readers, you may have seen on other boards or social media the rumor that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is the beast/antichrist, & his invasion of the Ukraine is the beginning of his empire-building. Let's put that hooey to rest now.
The governing factor is, of course, SCRIPTURE.
I have no idea what Putin's beliefs about God REALLY are, but supposedly he'a an Orthodox Christian who DOES attend church on high holidays & encourages the restoration of many churches destroyed when the Communists came to power. But SCRIPTURE says that the beast won't acknowledge any god but himself. Nowhere does Scripture say he will PRETEND to serve God. Yes, I know no devout Christian would do what Putin had done over the years, but does that make him the beast? Of course not.
Far as we know, Putin is not of Roman descent, as SCRIPTURE says the beast will be, but his ancestry is not known before the 1600s.
It appears the beast will be popular & charismatic, with many people admiring him & wanting to follow him. Even before the Ukraine invasion, Putin was not even admired that much in Russia. With the Soviet Union, he was a KGB member.
SCRIPTURE says he will begin his world domination by making an empire from the peoples & nations that made up the first 2 Roman empires. There's zero possibility of Putin's doing that, as any attempt by him to do it would result in WW3.
He has no false prophet for a sidekick, as SCRIPTURE says the beast will have. This FP can work certain miracles by Satan's power in his boss' presence.
No, Putin doesn't come CLOSE to fulfilling all the SCRIPTURAL criteria for the beast/antichrist.