So, in the light of that, would you care to withdraw your allegation of falsehood against me made on the previous page?
On April 15, I posted:
I can name you people on this board that are in both camps. I can tell you that people in both camps are evangelical, and go and preach the gospel to others. You have a great misunderstanding of both camps. If you spend time reading the Baptist theology forum perhaps you will come to more of an understanding. Right now almost every thread is dedicated to some aspect of Calvinism. Most Calvinists are engaged in active evangelism. Most non-Cals believe that Christ came to save all. Both believe that God is capable of saving all. The word "capable" is a key word in your statement. Both believe the same gospel, that the only way to be saved is through the shed blood of Christ and by faith alone in his atoning work on the cross.
You won't find a Baptist on this board (Calvinist or non-Calvinist) that doesn't believe in that message.
--Note that the post has to do with the present.
I also posted on that same day:
Contradictory opinions on what? Not on salvation. There are Calvinists and non-Calvinists. That makes little difference in the essentials of our faiths. In taking a survey of those who claim to be Catholics, I find a wide variety of beliefs? Why would that be? In fact within the leadership of the RCC there is a movement to put Mary as another person of the trinity. Would they then call the trinity "the trinity"? It is foolishness. There is a wide movement of Charismatic Catholics which has a direct bearing on whether or not our inspired canon is open or closed, or even if the Catechism is completely authoritative. Charismatics believe that their revelations from God are just as authoritative as Scripture. The RCC is changing. And their doctrine is changing and has changed. It is divergent.
--My opinions reflect that of today.
On April 17, 1:58 pm, you posted:
Sir, thou dost protest too much! I've seen Calvinists damn Arminians and vice versa on these very boards! That's why the Calvinism-Arminianism board had to be closed down. hOw
on earth do you have the gall to say that they don't have contraidctory opinions on salvation, when menbers of one group doubt the salvation of members of the other?!
--Note that you dredge up some past history on the board. That is not what is going on today.
You also posted on April 17, 2:13 pm:
I had plenty of experience of the Calvinism-Arminianism board here to demonstrate my point as alluded to in my last post. The only embarrassment here should be that of the protagonists on that erstwhile board who cheerfully flung
anathemata at their fello-Christians in the service of defending their own peculiar version of the 'truth'.
--Again, you dredge up past history that happened long ago.
Now I counter at 2:46 on April 17 with this post
Matt you are being to extreme, even to the point of deception or of false information. I currently am in many of those debates right not. In fact the theology forum might as well be called the Calvinism-Arminianism forum, since 90% of the threads there are on that subject. We don't question each others salvation. Our views are different. I am sure you are somewhat familiar of Baptist history in your part of the world. There were the General Baptists and the Particular Baptists at one time, were there not. The Particular were Calvinists, and the General were not. They were not at each others throats and considered each other as brothers in Christ. Your allegations are extreme and false.
--The reason: I have not seen any of the allegations that you are throwing at me in the debates I am currently in, and I am currently involved in a few of the threads on Calvinism, not to mention that I moderate that entire forum.
Finally, at 6:09 pm, Eric posts.
He's right, as I was in those debates as well. You weren't in the old forum that much. I remember, it was so bad, we were asking for you to be brought in as a moderator to counter the Calvinist moderator, and replace the Primitive Baptist moderator who was leaving. (PB's were generally on the Calvinist side with the monergism).
Most of this took the form of the "weak, helpless god [sic, alway in lowercase] who cannot save without permission", or "false gospel of human self-determination", "worship of man", etc type stuff. On Calvinist sites, it was even worse (and the point was the C vs A debate in general, not just here).
--He clears up the fact that we are talking past each other. I have been speaking of the present all along. For some reason you have been dredging up an incident in the past. It took Eric’s intervention for me to realize that. But, Matt, that is not what is going on at this time on this Board. Thus my position stands and I have nothing to apologize for. If anything you ought to apologize for bringing a red herring into this discussion.