You said that your wife left you a month ago. So that must mean that you started taking the anti-depressant between 2 or 3 weeks ago or less.
Let me
insist that you listen to this statement.
There is N
NE here at the BaptistBoard who can advise you to stop any medication that your doctor has prescribed.
If you choose to stop a medication, it MUST be after you have counseled with your doctor person-to-person. I have been on anti-depressants before because my medication that controls my epilepsy has a side-effect of depression. Yeah - hurray for me!
I remember what he told me upon prescribing them. He said, "It will take upwards of 6 weeks before you see any change." I have no idea what your doctor has told you, but you MUST see him if you are choosing to make a change in taking the drugs.
No one here can give you medical advice.
I don't take the anti-depressants anymore but deal with the depression in other ways when it rears its ugly head - and as long as I am on the seizure meds - it does.
Please, please stay here and just talk to us about this. Talking helps - believe me. I am putting you on my personal prayer list. Don't do anything rash.
Your family - or at least your relationship with your children CAN be reconciled. Who knows what God can do?
It may take
a lot of ways and means to do this: prayer, counseling, meds, exercise, ...... who knows.
You've not been in this place of depression very long from what I have gathered in your revealing post. Rise up, look it in the eye, stare it down and tell it to go to h*ll. That's where it came from anyway.
Your children and yes, even your WIFE will be so devastated if you were to take your life. You think the situation is causing them concern and pain now? You are the father of those children and it is your responsibility to imitate the nature of God to your children and to lead them.
You are in a very, very bad place now - I feel your pain. I planned my own suicide once - I understand. If you take your own life - your children will be in a very, very bad place for the
rest of their lives.
Don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up.