Well-Known Member
You don't believe that the slaughter of unborn or just born children is immoral? You don't believe that denying medical care to the elderly is immoral?
Just answer the question "whoever"! Don't editorialize.
That is a lie.You are the one that is against providing medical care to those who currently don't have it.
Their blood will be on YOUR hands not mine.
It is the radical leftists/democrats like you who want to ration care to the elderly and continue the slaughter of the unborn children.
For the 50th time I am against abortion.
You can say you are against the slaughter of the unborn but the fact is as long as you support the party that believes in unfettered abortion you are supporting abortion. JustChristian, Freedom, and BaptistBeliever also claimed that they opposed the slaughter of the unborn but they supported the rabid abortionist, Obama, who not only favored the slaughter of the unborn but the just born.
I also am against the Republican hypocrisy that talks about ending abortion and then does almost nothing about it.
That statement is comical. You are just a socialist democrat and hate anyone who attempts to stop the formation of the Socialist States of America to replace the USSR that Reagan whupped up on.
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