There is absolutely no doubt that feathers have been ruffled on this thread. The time has long be come that multitudes have not been enduring sound Biblical Doctrine. It didn't happen over night. There has been a steady progression of deception for nearly 500 years. Churches and Semenaries have been steadily conned by Devil into giving up the Sword of the Spirit, and replaced it with a cheap knock off, so generic, and cheap, that it had rendered them useless and ineffective. You can't have on the full Armour of God without the Sword of the Spirit! The Churches are full of people that have no understanding of what is written. False Pastors, False Deacons, False Elders, and False Teachers are abounding in great numbers!
Today, I see a perverse and wicked generation. I don't have to turn on the television to see the evil, or turn on the radio to hear the evil, I see the evil outside on the streets, in neighborhood after neighborhood, in Churches, and in Politics. I see World Leaders embracing all antichrist religions, and participating in antichrist religious ceremonies. High places and images of idols have been set up and flooded into every City and State aound The United States, and in other nations, including England, Ireland, Scotland, and France. Nations that were once Christian nations have been decreed to no longer be Christian nations. The Gate of Baal had been put on tour around the world, placed for a while in New York, then in Washington D.C. As if it weren't enough to kick God, The Holy Bible, and prayer out of Schools, the Ten Commandments had been removed from Government Buildings and Court Houses; Marriage has been redefined to be something of perversion. Recently, the Governor of New York has sign a Bill to legalize the muder of babies right up to the day of delivery, to murder both the born and the unborn. I am shaking my head in shock, as America's children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are being seduced into the Occult practice of Yoga and hypnosis in Public Schools, and being groomed by perverse men and women dressed as member of the opposite sex reading books in their classrooms. I see Churches embracing Jezebel's false prophets, including the Muslims, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, and the Jehovah's Witnesses. I see Churches practicing Yoga, and most don't even teach the Bible in Sunday School. Drugs and Witchcraft has being legalized by enemies of Jesus Christ! Abortion has been legalized by enemies of Jesus Christ! Marriage has been hi-jacked by enemies of Jesus Christ! The Churches are being overtaken by enemies of Jesus Christ! They are convincing and deceiving Churches to abandon their Swords of the Spirit!
The world is being deceived, the children are being deceived.
Within the last few days since I joined this Baptist Forum, I have witnessed with my own eyes, a man denying the bodily ressurection and physical of the Lord Jesus Christ. I witnessed another man blending Christianity with the Occult of Gnosticism. I am aware of another man that denies the Biblical Doctrine of hell. Furthermore, I am aware of yet, another man that has demonstrated on multiple ocassions to not engage in a meaningful conversation, and this same man has refused to share a salvation testimony, explain who he believes Jesus to be, share the Gospel, or discuss any substance of Biblical Doctrine to offer evidence of faith to confirm that he is a Believer, but instead has maintained the steady pattern of casting doubt on The Holy Bible and subsequently, subverting the truth, whilst making shipwreck of peoples' faith, and had gone further to demonstrate a seared conscience by not stopping to render aid, but continued with hit and runs, as if he were driving a Mack Truck. I have witnessed other things that are equally just as evil. In all of this, what I found most disturbing, is how others have put trashing The Holy Bible, the written Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit, ahead of stopping and rebuking the evil anitchrist doctrines of devils.
It is my prayer that if there be Children of God here, that you will step forward and say to me, "Brother, I hear you."
Wake up Brothers! Wake up! The Churches are slumbering! The spirit of iniquity is abounding! There is a call to battle for the souls of your children and your grandchildren! Are there anyone that will hear this sound of warning and call upon the Lord and seek His counsel?
During the time when precious babies are being murdered, drugs and other perversions are being legalized, and children and grandchildren are being seduced by infidels, and deceived into practicing witchcraft, what is happening here? Folks are not enduring sound Biblical Doctrine, and Christians are being beguiled into surrendering The Holy Bible! Wake up Church! Wake up! the Churches are slumbering! The spirit of iniquity is abounding! Our Country is being deceived! Call upon the Lord! Seek Him now while there is still time!