Yes, these doubters are such spiritual morons that it's quite unbelievable!
Actually, Gershom, they're really just pulling your leg ... and you fell for it (again).
They love to get a big rise out of people ... while they're blaspheming the precious work of the Holy Spirit.
P.S. There ARE many phonies out there, and some are so because they've been deceived into following Satan.
Hey, I just read more of these posts! ... Very educational indeed.
What we're witnessing here, folks, is a horrendous case of UNBELIEF!
And Jesus is NOT pleased.
Just a tiny little News Flash hot off the press ...
"I am the Lord, I do not change."
"Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
But, He NO LONGER performs miracles, heals the sick, casts out demons, delivers the oppressed, etc.
You people disgust me! ... Remember how disgusted Jesus was with His Jewish brethren, da Pharisees?