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@Guido :
Yes, it is the word of God, and no I will not develop that any further.
What I think you'll find, given enough time and discussion, is that there are precious few who post on this forum that actually believe that any translation in any language ( in print or out of it ) is the fully inerrant, inspired word of God that they can unwaveringly trust in.
What's more is, few here seem to agree on where to find His perfectly preserved words, what manuscripts they are truly preserved in, or even what they actually say and mean.
I wish you well and bid you a good evening.
I believe the Word of God is preserved in many of the translations...in the Spirit of what was to be translated, not necessarily in the "word for word" of it that most who hold to such a theory believe. It's impossible to have a word for word translations, though they, through their poor exegesis of certain verses, would have one believe that it is indeed possible. Yes, every word of God is pure, and not one jot or tittle will pass away, but nowhere does it say that there will be a word-for-word translation of the same. They like to point to a verse about the word being purified 7x...and use numerology to say that this is the KJV...UGH! How stupid can people be? I know of NO translation that demeans the Gospel of Christ, the Sovereignty of God or elevates man above God.