Do we get the actual every word Jesus spoke all of the time, or summary gists of them at times?Luke 4:4 would conflict with the new KJV-only interpretation of Matthew 4:4 which tries to suggest that believers have to seek a perfect Bible translation that has every word of God. The issue is not with what Matthew 4:4 states when understood soundly or correctly.
The legitimate issue is with the new KJV-only interpretation of Matthew 4:4 that would in effect condemn gospel of Luke for not including every word that Jesus stated.
Every word from Deuteronomy 8:3 quoted by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:4 is not found in the quotation in Luke 4:4. Six individual words [“that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”] spoken by Jesus as found in Matthew 4:4 are not preserved and presented in Luke 4:4.
Is this fact a hint or indication that the new KJV-only interpretation of every word at Matthew 4:4 could be incorrect?
According to the KJV-only interpretation, could early readers of the gospel of Luke who did not have a copy of the gospel of Matthew live by every word of God since Luke does not have six words quoted and stated by Jesus?
Would a just application of KJV-only assertions concerning Matthew 4:4 suggest that the Holy Spirit was wrong to move Luke to omit six of the words stated by Jesus?
Would a consistent application of KJV-only reasoning in effect suggest that Luke 4:4 casts doubt on part of what is stated in Matthew 4:4?
Would a consistent, just application of KJV-only claims and assertions concerning Matthew 4:4 in effect condemn Luke 4:4 for not including and preserving every word that Jesus stated?