I don't think the tithe is for today, and I don't think it should have ever been part of the NT church. If you look at early church history the giving that was done was for the purpose of providing for others in the church who had needs. People gave from their abundance because they wanted to, not because they had to. Tithing in the church came hundreds of years later and was basically a tax in order to support the clergy.
With that being said, voluntary giving is something all Christians should participate in. Your ability would determine what you give, not a percentage. Let's be realistic, church today does not, and really cannot, operate like it did 2000 years ago. It costs money to operate a church and since it takes money to survive, pastors should be paid. Sure you could have a house church and operate on a very small amount of money but that is a different topic. The problem is that the giving done in the early church was in order to provide for others who had needs. We cannot say that giving 10 percent to the church takes care of this. If you have the means and a need presents itself before you, not only should you provide for that need but you should want to do it. Poor people struggle to pay 10% while the richer among us can do it without a problem. If we give because God's love abides in us, percentage will have nothing to do with it. If we give 10% and still live like kings we are closing our eyes to the needs of others.
Something else. What I give has nothing to do with what you give, and what you give has nothing to do with what anyone else gives. If you feel good about yourself because you know you give more than someone else you are proud. If you are bothered that others don't give as much as you do you are proud. If you wish you could give more like someone else you are envious. Give cheerfully, give willingly, give when a need is presented to you, support your church as much as you can, supply the needs of missionaries when you can. It's the heart that matters, not the $$. That is all God sees.