They should study the scriptures and pray fervently about it, yes. But the opposite is true, too: Suppose a member of a charismatic church lays hands on a girl in a wheelchair and prays, and she doesn't get up and walk. One by one, members of the charismatic church pray over this girl, but she remains in a wheelchair. Should they change their thinking about gifts?Suppose that a member lays hands on a girl in a wheelchair and prays. She gets up and walks. The church is not accustomed to laying hands on the sick, and do not believe that gifts are for today, but they keep happening. Should they change their thinking about gifts?
BTW: I checked out IRIS ministries and Heidi Baker. Unfortunately, I can't find any independent corroboration of any of the healings or reviving the dead you mentioned. The charismatic publications take Ms. Baker's word that it happened, and perpetuate her stories.