No it isn't. Abraham was a man called out of an idolatrous nation. He believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness sake. Where is the comparison? Was Mary the only believer? Was the whole nation (Peter, James, John, etc.) wholly given over to idolatry? There is no comparison. There were many believers at the time of Mary as is evidenced by Joseph himself, Zacharias, Elizabeth, Anna and Simeon, the shepherds in the field, etc. In fact many of the Israelites at that time were expecting the Messiah to come. They were believers.Sorry DHK the comparision is both of faith and obedience. Apples to Apples.
Totally false. Just because a person is obedient to God (as I am), does not mean I participated in my salvation. That is total heresy. It is salvation by works, and demeans the efficacy of the blood of Christ. Joshua obeyed the Lord. The Lord delivered the Israelites. Joshua had no part in the nation's salvation. Salvation is of God, and of God alone. It was then and always has been since.You've shown that Joshua was participant as was the nation walking around the city.
It is not mere speculation. It is common sense based on the Bible.Actually, you have no idea. And neither do I. All else is speculation
Mary and Martha both obeyed the Lord.
Lydia, the seller of purple, obeyed the Lord.
Elizabeth is a fine example of a woman that obeyed the Lord.
Anna obeyed the Lord.
Obviously there were many young virgins that obeyed the Lord as well, as there were people of all classes that did. God never leaves himself without a witness. Your position goes against all common sense and to put it bluntly is plain wrong.
She was chosen on the basis of God's sovereignty, not on the basis of her obedience as you have stated, which makes your position ludicrous.NO one suggested that she was. However, she was chosen.
I never said she wasn't obedient. I merely suggested that there were many others that could have been chosen. Many were obedient to God. What makes you think that Mary was the only obedient child of God on the planet???She did the will of God. What makes you think she wasn't obedient?
Read carefully. I never said that Mary was not obedient. I said that there were other children of God that were also obedient. Why do you have such a hard time accepting this??In fact to suggest that Mary wasn't obedient for the incarnation is ludicrous.
Don't know what. I have given you Scripture; you give pure speculation.You are only saying that because you don't know.
You border on heresy. Baptism does not wash away sin as you suggest. It has nothing to do with sin. Jesus had no sin: correct. What has that to do with baptism? Nothing. I am not baptized because my sins are forgiven or in order to wash away my sins--neither one. I am baptized in obedience to the command of Christ to be baptized--Mat.28:19,20.In fact Jesus had no sin therefore didn't need to even give a symbol of his own salvation by baptism but he does it out of obedience anyway.
Christ gives the reason for his baptism--to fulfill all righteousness.
There is nothing in Scripture anywhere that suggests that Christ offered a sin sacrifice. Even to think this heresy is a horrible abomination. Christ offering a sin sacrifice??? Are you serious??It suggest that he probably offered a sin sacrifice though it was not needed. In order to fulfill the law on our behalf.
When the culture was wrong Jesus condemned the culture.Its a reasonable question since it was a community activity as well as a personal activity. It seems you aren't educated in the culture and religion of Jesus day.
When the personal activity was wrong Jesus condemned the personal activity. A good example of this is found in Matthew 23. He also cleansed Temple twice! He condemned their activity, not condoned it.
Thus, NO, It is not a reasonable question or even thought to think that Jesus offered a sin offering or sacrifice just because it was the "cultural" thing to do. What kind of garbage do you get this from?
Judges 5:24 Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be,Well, you need to start calling her blessed our you make God into a liar. Do you want to do that?
It is your theology, not mine. You are the one therefore that needs to start calling Jael blessed according to your theology. It is YOUR theology. I don't act upon your theology.
God acted according to his divine providence. Here is what the Bible says:I doubt it. God chose her not any virgin. God has a higher view of women I think then you indicate here. She was special just like Joseph was special.
Romans 11:34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
--Why do you presume to know the mind of God as if you counseled him to choose Mary all by yourself. Don't you think that God knows better than you? There were others that were just as faithful as Mary, but it was God's choice, not yours. And when you get to heaven you can ask God why He made the decision that He did.
There was nothing stopping you from choosing another wife. Or was your wedding arranged like most Muslim's are. What prevented you from choosing another bride. There are many fish in the sea, as they say.Yet just like my wife she was chosen specifically. Not any woman can be my wife.
And God would choose the right one; not you. But God did have a choice. Why do you put God in a box as if he had no choice. Your God is small and insignificant, while Mary is treated as a god.Not any woman could be Jesus mother but the right one.
1. I am not a Calvinist.If you are a calvinist and hold to Tulip you must agree because any virgin would limit God's supremacy.
2. Any virgin would not limit God's supremacy, for God cannot be limited in any way. Who are you to limit the hands of God? Can you tie him up and put him in your theological box.
1. I am not a Calvinist.You have to believe then as a calvinist that God specifically created mary to be the vessel of the incarnation. Otherwise its a matter of the draw. Which according to RC Sproul, luck does not exist.
2. I don't care two hoots about the opinions of Sproul.
3. God created Mary, as he created all of us. He chose Mary (as he could have chosen another) to be the vessel that would bear the body of Jesus.
Yes. In spite of her obedience. In spite of my sinful self and my obedience to Him, God chooses to use me in my service for Him. The same was true of Mary. God chooses to use people who yield themselves to him. We already mentioned people like William Carey and Adoniram Judson. And you agreed. God didn't use her because she was obedient, but in spite of her obedience. He still could have chosen another. There were no doubt others that fit the requirements to bear the body of the Savior.So in spite of her obedience God chose her? Thats funny. Its not like Mary said no way God! You ain't touching this figure. However, I propose He did choose Mary and set her apart for this very purpose which suggest that not any virgin could do it.
The only comparison is that they were both obedient. Many in the Bible were obedient.No obsession. Its an easy comparison and it comes to mind
I know what a cult is. It is a cultish thought to believe that Mary was the mother of a nation. It is, in fact, really need to read Martin to get an idea of a cult. I think you think anyone who has a differing opinion is a cult.
Your exact quote was:How did I lie? In fact. Read it again. I'm just asking a question. What did I say?
" Now you may not have this problem but do you have misogynistic tendencies?"
--The word, " Misogynistic"which means "a man who hates women"
You were not just asking a question. You were making an implication by means of a rhetorical question and an inference. It is wrong. It is against the rules. To suggest that I am a women hater is out of line and is grounds for discipline. I suggest you think before you type those words out.
I have jumped to no conclusion. You called me either directly or indirectly, or perhaps by inference, a women-hater, which is an out-right lie from the pit of hell. You can do better.Didn't I say that? I'm not putting that on you Just asking if its a problem or not. Many IFB that I've met give that impression with sentiment that women are somehow second class citizens because of being the first tempted. So, I didn't lie now did I? I didn't break any forum rules have I? You've just jumped to a conclusion.
Saying that man is a participant in his or her salvation is saying that salvation is not all of God. This you have said numerous times.I've never indicated that salvation wasn't all of God.
Yes it was, but she participated.