America has made a kind of covenant with God:
Exodus 24:7 And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that the LORD hath said will we do, and be obedient.
And he said to them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Which America had responded to except (starting in 1973 - Roe Vs Wade) we have gone forth and slaughterer the most helpless among us.
That's not a legitimate “covenant”, at least not like the one with Israel. Some of that is the leaders of a nation attempting to be a “new Israel” (based on a particular belief about the covenants, such as replacement theology).
And what ends up happening, is that while they vow to “ober every command”, they really don't, but then have to excuse the acts they commit that are sin, and then overfocus on other sins they think they're not guilty of, like sexual matters (which is where something like abortion would come in).
What we end up with, is “The nation followed God until the 1970's (or judging by the rest of the sexual revolution, as well as the removal of school prayer 10 years earlier, or the “influence of atheism and Communism”, many will say it was the 1960's), and only now is sinful and earning judgment”.
But this ultimately picks and chooses what is sin, and thus relativizes God's standards just as much as what the nonbelievers we say are bringing this judgment down on us, had done. It's just seeing sin in everyone else, while we think we're automatically “good” for representing the right “culture”. But all human culture is concluded in sin (and any notions of “better” or “worse” do not help, before God).