Sure is. What lies do you know of that have nothing to do with political hearsay and gossip?
You can try to qualify "If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it" as hearsay and gossip if you want, but that just means you're nothing more than a cheap unpaid apologist for the lying Great Pretender.
So your problem with him is that he's set himself up as an idol? Kinda like you've set your disdain for him up as an idol.
Epic fail. That's not a refutation, it's not even a denial. That's deflection. Setting one's self up as an idol? That's sin to the utmost, replacing God with one's self. Odd that you would make no effort to claim your idol isn't doing that.
See now these you should rightly take issue with. But as can be seen daily, your real problem ain't got nothing to do with those things. You're going on and on daily about politics, money and a bunch of stuff that has nothing to so with eternity.
Then why did I even bother to mention it, Zaac-a-roonie, if it isn't my "real problem" with him? And I notice you say I should rightly take issue with it, but you do nothing to join in that issue-taking -- which you should do, being a Christian -- or trying to prove I have misunderstood. Instead, you try to deflect the argument back to me. The thread isn't about me, as you, the OP, should know.
Oh I get that. But do I have to explain to you that those things you mentioned aren't the things you complain about every day?
No, the things I talk about every day are symptoms of the sin. How is it you missed that.
It's a nice attempt again to justify your sin ...
And again, deflection from the G/P to me. And again, the thread isn't about me.
Again, not a single issue of which you point out daily.
Again, the disease those symptoms I mention every day point to.
Why? Because your issues is one of POLITICS and has nothing to do with God.
Wrong. But that could certainly describe your illogical defense of him.
And you bring these up now to try to justify yourself in your disobedience.
If I am "disobedient" in bringing up his sin and the symptoms thereof, then those biblical figures I mentioned who did the same thing with their leaders were also disobedient. How about you undertake to exposit on their sin in order to prove us sinful? That would be helpful, and I think all else here would agree. So go for it.
Wickedness is what it amounts to.
Before you point out the alleged speck in my eye, how about you remove the lumber yard from your own?
Why would I call a known sinner sinless?
I don't know, Zaac-a-rino. That's why I pointed it out, so see if you could explain. But as you have done throughout this thread, you deflect from your idol, the Great Pretender, and point a lyingly accusing finger at others.
That's like trying to claim I'm disrespecting him and not submitting to his authority and calling him names because of offenses against me instead of offenses against God.
Oh, I know you would never do that. He's your idol, graven image, etc.
That's what you want it to do because as usual, you got to find a way to not do what God's word says to do because you're mad about POLITICS.
Once and finally, God's word does not forbid or call "sin" what I do in criticizing this Great Pretender in the White House, and you calling it "sin" only causes us to see how deeply your idolatry of this lying constitutional deconstructor really goes.