If God had decreed no one to be saved, if He had not sacrificed the Son on the Cross, would it be God's fault for all mankind going to hell, or would it be their fault because they sinned and were justly condemned?
You seem to asking a rhetorical question based on a few pre-suppositions which are:
-Creation only deals with mankind. IMO we also need to consider all of creation, all of the earth and heavens, for sin had effect not only on the outcome of mankind; but also on the out come of the whole creation.
In other words, for God to regain all creation, He had to defeat all sin, not just the sins of a chosen few of mankind.
Another pre-supposition is:
-That God is happy with only a few being saved. I believe God wants all to be saved.
And yet another pre-supposition is:
-That God did, in fact, do this decreeing in eternity past before the foundation of the world.
Since you asked a rhetorical question, I will answer with one.
Yes, had God created mankind and NOT made possible a way of salvation, then indeed God would have been responsible for mankind going to Hell.
But no one would have know the difference for God would neither have written the scriptures telling of a salvation which was not to be.
I agree.Election has nothing to do with the lost.
But one should show in the scriptures why God elected whom He elected rather than just relegating to some great lottery in the sky before the foundation of the world.
Again, I agree.All are lost by default.
Then you do agree God created some specifically for eternal damnation even though God said He wanted all to be saved?
IMO you are confusing election with salvation.Election is God actually saving people who do not deserve it at all. It is pure grace and mercy.
All of Israel were "elected" out of Egypt; but did not some fall in the golden calf incident of Ex 32?
And many of the "elect" did not enter the promised land.
I would agree one does not understand if they feel anyone received grace and mercy on the basis of a simple decree.You do not understand grace and mercy if you think that anyone EVER deserves any of it in any respect for any reason.
As yet you have not shown why anyone would deserve grace and mercy before God could know the hearts of men before they were even created.
You seem to be imphasizing the negative side of your equation while forgetting the other side.Any accusation of sovereign election (grace and mercy) making God a "tyrant" or "monster" is flush with a faulty understanding because it either places on God some obligation to remove a just sentence from those who deserve it, or places on man some intrinsic worth or merit whereby God would be unjust to carry out His stated sentence.
If God did indeed elect some to salvation before the foundation of the world; then tell us what was so special about them.
Agreed, but that is not the issue. The issue is why were those you feel elected not condemned? What was special about them?ALL are justly condemned by default. ALL deserve hell.
Do you think God had an obilgation to regain the whole creation which would require the attointment for all sin?God had NO obligation whatsoever to save anyone, but He did.
Again, I simply ask on what basis did God make this so-called election.He elected to save certain people and He died a substitutionary atonement.
I agree, so further time spent in this regard is only a strawman.They are recipients of grace and mercy. They deserve NONE of this.
The real question is not whether anyone deserves anything; but how did God decide who would get anything.
Again, those precious elect. But what made them different from the reprobate?Those who face their sentence still do so justly as the elect would have.