Note this false charge spewer actually pretends he does not know my prior answers to his vicious and vindictive attacks on my qualifications. What an example for Christianity!is that your way of answering"No, i have not read any of those, but still can go off on some thing do not really understand?"
There will always be posters that ask subject changing questions with impunity. Jesus taught it was hard for a rich man to enter, but Calvinism teaches the rich are irresistibly dragged into the kingdom. Paul taught God chooses individuals for salvation through or by reason of faith in the truth, but Calvinism teaches our individual election is unconditional.
Y1 appears to be unusually ignorant of the doctrine he claims to advocate. Otherwise his only response would not be to change the subject. Pay no attention to these naysayers who attack truth with almost every post.
Why was Calvinism invented with the speculation of humans and ignorance of scripture? To avoid being responsible for ineffective ministry. They presented their flawed understanding of the gospel, and some rejected it, and so they sought to explain why they were not responsible for losing some of the "might win some" crowd. Thus it is man-centered false doctrine. God's actual plan is for born anew believers to earn heavenly rewards for effective ministry as ambassadors of Christ. Calvinism puts a dagger into that ministry.