This is by scientific and scholarly evidence.
Faith is not absolutely blind. If I were to believe the Greek myths, that would be blind faith, because there is no evidence for it at all. God gives us light, he gives us evidence.
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
I can see the creation around me, that is not faith. But I cannot see God. However, I can see the complexity and order of the creation which tells me there is a super intelligence behind it. If you want to call that scientific or scholarly evidence, fine, but that does not show me God. I have to believe in God by faith.
God said he would preserve his pure word. I believe that. I can look back at the history of the scriptures and see that it favors the RT. Does that prove it is inerrant and pure? No. I believe that by faith.
I do not believe the KJB translators were prophets, nor do I believe they in anyway thought of themselves like that. But I do believe that God was behind their work, and not only theirs, but those good men who came before them and gave their lives to give us the scriptures in English (and other languages).
I do not believe that after God spoke Revelation 22:21 to John that he withdrew into heaven and left us to ourselves. In fact, if you read the book of Revelation you see that God has a great deal of work to do in this world. I believe God has been and will control nations and the course of history. I believe he brought about the Reformation and the KJB, and that the English and Americans have taken the word of God to every nation and people on earth.
I believe God brought back Israel from extinction and placed them in their own land again as he promised many times. One hundred years ago folks scoffed at this or tried to spiritualize these scriptures. But we are fortunate to see it with our own eyes. God is still working in the world today if we are open to see it.
You might say, "Well, then God also brought about the MVs". Did he? The scriptures speak of a great "falling away" before the end. And trust me, we are near the end.
The MVs are Catholic. Read Revelations 17.