The meaning of “water” in the context of this passage is not capable of the meaning of baptism. To be born of water is the same thing as being born of the flesh. Being born of the flesh signifies one’s first birth from the womb, while being born of the Spirit is equivalent to the new birth or being born again.
Is it your contention that the 'water' discussed in John 3:5 is amniotic fluid? And the conjunction 'and' tying water to Holy Spirit can be ignored, e.g., "be born again of water
and the Holy Spirit"? Christ says a man is born "
of" water
"AND. . .". A
person is born of women "That which is born of the flesh, is flesh", not of water is flesh. Only waterlilies, tadpoles and Mosquitoes are born out of water (not to mention a host of bacteria.]; is Christ calling you one of these water born varmints? Water is not the origin of man.
Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. (John 3:5) This is a unique doorway to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Kingdom of God, the new Israel. St. Paul taught that Baptism was circumcision not made by hand, the catechumen Baptized becomes a member of the community in the Body of Christ [Colossians 2:11]. Acts chapter 2, verse 38 St. Paul speaks clearly of the remission of sins; in Acts 22:16; Be baptized, and wash away thy sins and in Acts 5:25 sqq (surely you don't wash in amniotic fluids. Because "Christ also loved the Church, and delivered Himself up for it: that he might sanctify it, cleansing it by the
laver of water (washing in water) in the word of life: that he might present it to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. [Ephesians 5:25 seqq.] He loved the Church so much that he viewed her as his spouse without spot or wrinkle, not actual sin or original sin. In baptism all sin is washed away to be made holy: an infusion of supernatural graces that renders the recipient an adopted son of God.
Folks, the things that come out of the stagnate water in you sink is not a man born again. If someone makes that claim, run!
Nevertheless, the insistence by many "Born againers " is to reference water in verse 3:3 to amniotic fluid. But, Christ seems to change His mind by the time He got to verse 5! Or, maybe He got confused as He explained to Nicodemus that he didn't need to climb back into his mother's womb, or, maybe John just didn't hear it the way you wanted him to. John 3:3 clearly says "born again" or "born from above (the Greek
anothen). Verse 3 then defines the necessity of being "born again" - to enter the Kingdom of God.
In both verses to be born again or born from above does not imply two separate births. The reason is quite simple, if one is born of amniotic fluid and he is without a soul or spirit from his birth, stillborn, deader than a doorknob; both body and soul are required for life. If somehow the zombie managed to walk the aisle, as you like to say, and his spirit (as in soul) is only then born, you still don't have life but a possessed hunk of dead flesh animated, or you have birth for the first time, but not of woman rather of water. What John 3:5 says is that there is a rebirth of the whole person (body and soul) with the sacramental water and of [kai] the Holy Spirit (not the soul - rather the Holy Spirit pneuma commonly used by John for the Holy Spirit). If you are born "from on high" in verse 3 then you are "born from on high" in verse 5
of water AND of the Holy Spirit. The same Greek word for water is used everywhere throughout Scripture, simply replace amniotic fluid for water and you get sickening results:
And entering into a boat, he passed over the
amniotic and came into his own city." [Matthew 9:1] or;
And when his disciples were come over the
amniotic they had forgotten to take bread." [Matthew 16:5] - they probably lost their lunch as well; and don't you loose your you, ox or ass from the manger, and lead them to
amniotic?" [Luke 13:15]. The women of Judea were baby giving ladies to produce enough amniotic water to "fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim." [John 2:7], wow what a trick. The produced so much amniotic fluids they had to "pass over" them