The Caner Mess
I would say that at this point, everything we think we know about Caner is now in doubt. Let me give a comparative analogy from my own experience.
As a retired military officer, I am habitually careful about my statements concerning my career activities. When I speak of it, it is imperative for conscience' sake that I get it right.
1. I was on active duty for the last days of the Vietnam War--am I a Vietnam Veteran? No, I was on Guam after the final prisoner exchange, and I did participate in the illegal and "secret" Cambodia boming missions. At best, I am a Vietnam Era vet. When talking to another vet, I make sure to note that I was never "in country."
2. I supported Operation Nickel Grass FROM GUAM, but I was not on the ground at Tel Aviv airport helping unload the stuff we sent Israel.
3. We provided cargo support for Grenada and the relief of the Marines in Lebanon after the barracks were bombed ( 1983?)--but I was not there.
4. My troops and aircraft were the first on the ground in Gulf I, but I am not a veteran of Desert Storm, because I did not personally step on that battle field.
5. I provided logistical support for El Dorado Canyon, but personally had nothign to do with that F-111 putting a bomb in Qadaffi's living room.
I could go on, but you get the picture. We have an organization of ex-GIs called "Stolen Valor," who smoke out the fakes.
Now, if this is a big deal in the military(and you can go to JAIL for being a fake vet) then why should it not be a bigger deal talking about the souls of men?