My perspective on the churches….
Ephesus - Messianic - Beginning with the Apostle to the circumcision, Peter.
Smyrna - *Gentile Persecuted Church - Beginning with the Apostle to the uncircumcision, Paul.
Pergamos - Orthodoxy formed in this time... Pergos is a tower... Needed in the dark ages
Thyatira - Catholicism formed in this time - The spirit of Jezebel is to control and to dominate.
Sardis - Protestantism formed in this time- A sardius is a gem - elegant yet hard and rigid
Philadelphia - Wesleyism formed in this time - To be sanctioned is to acquire it with love.
Laodicea - Charismatic movement formed in this time - Rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing?
*Noting also “Ye Shall Have Tribulation Ten Days” Rev 2:10 (from the Foxes Book of Martyrs)…
Persecutor Description
67 AD
Nero The Smyrna Church Age begins with Nero setting fire to Rome, and then blaming the Christians
81 AD
Domitian Declaration that no Christian should be exempt from punishment, Paul’s Timothy died in 97 AD.
108 AD
Trajan and Adrian Severe persecution against Christians from 108 to 138 AD during the time of the Bishop Ignatius
162 AD
Marcos Aurelius Marcos Aurelius, commendable in study of philosophy, sharp and fierce towards Christians.
192 AD
Severus This persecution was carried out by the will and prejudice of the people and extended into Africa.
235 AD
Maximus Numberless Christians were slain without trial and burned indiscriminately in heaps
249 AD
Decius Began because of the amazing increase in Christianity, and with the heathen temples forsaken.
257 AD
Valerian The martyrs that fell during this persecution were innumerable, their tortures and deaths painful.
274 AD
Aurelian A brief persecution that ended with the emperor’s assassination.
303 AD
Diocletian The last persecution ended with Constantine’s triumph against Rome in 313 AD
So, these churches are unique. The church did not walk off Noah’s Ark Baptist. I have read in Wikipedia that, “Historians trace the earliest "Baptist" church to 1609 in
Dutch Republic with
English Separatist John Smyth as its pastor.” In which I would call Sardisean times.
I have enjoyed the teachings of John MacArthur and was surprised to have learned of his materialistic ways, indicating to me that he has inherited some of the ways of this Laodicean church age. I do not think John MacArthur as un-Christian or a heretic - just surprised to have learned of him so materialistic.