Well I can just as easily turn this around on you DHK.
The Holy Spirit is not subject to the vocabulary of DHK. He is sovereign (hmmm… this sounds suspiciously Calvinistic to me) and can choose the words that he wishes to use. DHK does not command God. You are very arrogant to think that you have commanded God to write the Bible in the way that you [DHK] want it to be written. God wrote the Bible, not you [DHK]. God chose what words should be in the Bible, not you [DHK].
This is more of the same drivel from you DHK.
No drivel; just the plain teaching of the Word of God. You see I accept the Word of God as it is; as it is written; and what it teaches in spite of the way it is written. You don't. Therefore you falsely accuse me.
I accept the way it is written and that it teaches salvation by "faith alone" even though it doesn't use the exact words "faith alone," whereas you demand of God that he must use those exact words, which indeed is ludicrous.
Really – and where did God teach that DHK because you have yet to give me one single verse stating that salvation is by faith alone. However, I have shown you scripture which plainly shows the opposite teaching.
You haven't shown me any Scripture to the contrary; only your misunderstanding of Scripture.
Two Scriptures which you refuse to accept are Romans 5:1 and Eph.2:8,9. Of course, over the matter of this discussion, I have given you many more--all of which you have ignored.
According to who - you? Right… such a scholarly response from you DHK.
Is it scholarly to make a response that "salvation by faith alone is taught all throughout the Scriptures"? It is. But you don't accept scholarship. It seems that you don't accept basic Bible teaching.
Yes - flawed logic is so easily illustrated...
It’s really astounding that DHK will waste so much time flailing away at his keyboard all the while never understanding the underlying problems with the idea of faith “alone”. I assume his ignorance comes from his apparent inability to look at the language itself.
I have looked at many languages. I have studied six and can speak three. What about you?
Let’s start with the definition of the word “alone”, shall we?
Main Entry: 1alone
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈlōn\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from al all + one one
Date: 13th century
1 : separated from others : ISOLATED
2 : exclusive of anyone or anything else : ONLY
3 a : considered without reference to any other
In other words, if something is alone, then it is necessarily exclusive to anything else. Thus, (bear with me here DHK), if you are on the one hand claiming faith alone is all that is required for salvation, and on the other you say that its grace alone AND faith alone, then you have a fallacy both logically and semantically (not to mention the insurmountable problem with it scripturally). Look DHK – I didn’t coin the phrase “faith alone” Luther did, so deal with it – and deal with you shall – continually.
Your problem is theology.
My faith alone and
God's grace alone.
As much as I try to explain this to you, you reject it.
Here it is again.
The object is Christ. He is the object of my faith.
The means is Grace. It is God's grace by which we are saved. There is no other way but by the cross of Christ--his atoning sacrifice.
The reception is by faith. The only way to receive this great gift is by faith. By faith I receive His salvation provided by His grace.
By faith alone I receive Christ alone (no other savior will do) by His grace alone.
--There is no other way of salvation. If you do not believe that you cannot be saved.
That’s complete trash as is evident from actually looking at Eph. 2:8-9
8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
“For by grace are ye saved through faith.” There you have it DHK – its grace through faith and consequently it cannot be by faith alone.
Do me a favor and don't call God's Word trash!
For by GOD's Grace are you saved by your faith in God's grace, and that not of YOURSELF.
1. God's Grace Alone.
2. Man's Faith Alone.
3. Christ Alone.
--don't call it trash.
Wow – I’ve never seen anyone contradict themselves so much with perfect regularity within the same missive. You just got through stating that:
There is no contradiction between Romans 5:1 and Eph.2:8,9. Obviously you think there is, so you believe the Bible contradicts itself. That is sad.
I’ll give you one thing here DHK - at least you are consistently inconsistent.
Both verses teach that one is saved "by faith alone." You haven't figured that out yet??
Quite clear hmmm? It doesn’t say justified by faith “ALONE” does it DHK? You just added that word to scripture. Show me scripture stating that precept, and I will believe you. Unfortunately (and you already know this) you cannot because it doesn’t exist.
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God.
Why should I have to show you the word "alone."
Do you question God? You don't believe him? Did he say something different than that what is said here? You just don't want to believe Romans 5:1, correct?
Maybe you think it should read:
"Being justified by faith and playing with computers, we have peace with God."
--But it doesn't say that. The Holy Spirit didn't add anything to the word "faith." He didn't have to.
Here we go again! Why don’t you do everyone a favor and buy a good dictionary.
Main Entry: co•op•er•ate
Pronunciation: \kō-ˈä-pə-ˌrāt\
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: Late Latin cooperatus, past participle of cooperari, from Latin co- + operari to work — more at OPERATE
Date: 1582
1 : to act or work with another or others : act together or in compliance
2 : to associate with another or others for mutual benefit
Do you not act in compliance with God’s grace? You freely accept it don’t you? If you do, then you most certainly cooperate with it.
If you think you must cooperate with God's grace, then you know nothing of the grace of God. No one acts in compliance with the grace of God. It is given freely, and freely accepted though we don't deserve it. Grace is unmerited favor in its general sense. Jesus defined grace when he said that God allows the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust. He makes the sun shine on the just and the unjust. That is grace. God gives us those things which we don't deserve. What did we ever do to deserve God's goodness?
This is more sophistry. When you have a cogent argument please present it.
Look – Paul said it best.
Colossians 1:24: "Now I [Paul] rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church."
Paul doesn’t mean that Christ’s death is insufficient for universal redemption. He is simply saying that his own incorporation into the mystical body of Christ (the Church) means that his sufferings can be helpful for other members of the body (the Colossian Christians to whom he is writing).
Incorporation into the body of Christ and suffering is most certainly cooperation with God’s grace.
Your interpretation is almost blasphemous.
Paul is speaking how he suffered for Christ. There was no cooperation on his part in the sufferings of Christ. He did not help pay for our sins. There was no cooperation with God's grace. How foolish a statement that is.
It was God's grace to mankind that brought us salvation. Man had no part in it. To say that he had any part in it is blasphemy.
Yet, it does not exclude everything else such as love, repentance, forgiveness, and a host of other things that you routinely ignore. Again – you have a real logical problem with your position DHK. The word “alone” is your word and not that of scripture.
Romans 11:6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.
--It is by grace alone. It cannot be by works. Works negates grace, and grace negates works. That is the teaching here, and thus grace alone.
Romans 4:4-5 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
--It is by faith alone.
Again, works negates faith, and faith negates works. The two cannot exist together.
Thus it is by grace alone through faith alone by which one is saved.
And Christ alone is the Savior. If you don't understand these most basic truths it is doubtful that one can be saved.