Yes, I have read Calvin (as a reference), when needed.
Good, there just might be hope for you yet to get this right!
Grudem is simply a hodge podge of other systematic theologies. It is not worth the money spent. I have much better systematic theologies than his.
I don't need the philosophies of others. I know what the Bible teaches. If you are confused on what the Bible teaches, I suggest you get into the Word and study it.
strange, as dr Grudem theology one of the MOST respected ones written in this generation!
Are you saying that you cannot learn from those other authors, as they were given by God to His Church and gifted as teachers/theologians?
or is JUST the Bible /HS and me alone?
ou have not provided one verse that indicates that God gives faith to the unregenerate. Not one, in all these months that we have discussing this topic in more than five different threads. You cannot assert a statement without evidence. Your opinion is worth nothing.
My fellow cals and I have given you PLENTY of scriptures to "back up" our sotierology views, but you just refuse to hear us, and stick to your "own opinion"
Just curious why is your opinion worth more than mine?
As far as repentance is concerned, the Bible commands all men everywhere to repent. God does not repent on their behalf. God grants salvation on the basis of repentance. He doesn't give repentance. You need to read the Scripture carefully to understand what the Bible is teaching. God doesn't contradict himself.
God grants us repentence/faith/regeneration etc as they are ALL part of the salvation process, and ALL are gifts from God towards us!
Jesus said: "unless you have faith as a little child."
Was he lying?
Jesus was using them as His "object lessons", to show us that one has to be humble and trusting God
Did NOT address here the issue of faith being inherent or a Gift from God!
Faith is inherent in a person. Children have faith in their parents. Christ was talking about the simplicity of faith. We must come to Christ with child-like faith and believe the simple message of the Gospel in order to be saved. God does not give spiritual gifts or the fruit of the Spirit to unregenerate people. Where on earth do you get these unscriptural ideas??