Sorry, but sin is exactly why people go to hell in Calvinism. Saying anything else is to misrepresent us. We have corrected you. If you think otherwise, you are changing our view. Without sin, there is no reason for Christ; no reason for grace; no reason for mercy. Sin has to be the reason one goes to hell. One that doesn't go to hell is because he is justified and therefore not guilty of sin.
You can say anything you want, it doesn't mean it is true. In your system a man is born dead in sin and cannot possibly do anything other than sin. It is not his fault he is a sinner, God decreed he would be born that way.
An unelect person is actually fulfilling God's will when he sins, he is doing exactly what God decreed he should do.
Now, that is pretty messed up, your doctrine teaches that a person can do the will of God and sin at the same time.
Oh, you will say that is a misrepresentation, but only because Calvinists think of clever arguments to conceal what they really believe.
Let me ask you, did God decree that the unelect would be born dead in sin and only able to sin?
Answer that question honestly (and directly) if you dare.