You crossed the line saying that there is no backing by the Holy do know that right?!?
You only believe I have because you, as many Cals do, have equated TULIP with the very gospel of Jesus Christ. You make a theological pov into "Divine Truth". That is your own prerogative if you wish to do so. Just because you and a few other Calvinist view the theology in this way does not mean others are calling you unsaved by calling Calvinism "not backed by the Holy Spirit".
You will see testimonies of how "The Holy Spirit led me to embrace TULIP" as well as testimonies of how "The Holy Spirit led me to reject TULIP". As Webdog said, "now what?". I sincerely believe the Holy Spirit has caused me to reject TULIP as flawed thinking. I would think that from a Calvinist perspective you would agree, since Calvinist believe it takes the Holy Spirit to cause a person to believe anything. Thus, if one does not embrace TULIP, then one does not do so because the Holy Spirit has not caused them to believe it, for what ever reason be-known to God Himself. This Calvinism is stuck with, for it is part of the very theology preached by Calvinism.