Why would anyone not take God as the preserver of His word?
Why do some humans think they have the right to determine what is and isn't usable by God?
When the horribly deceitful adulterer, Peter Ruckman, started in the 1960's presenting the KJV was superior even to that from which it was translated, his arrogance obliged him to defend his view despite how much it was in error.
God's word is His to preserve and His to establish. Humankind have no right to make grandiose claims of self centered authority in the matter.
There are far more manuscript evidences available then in the 1960's and far more then 1611.
Isn't it strange that no matter the translation, that there is no great doctrinal difference?
I may not like how some versions render a passage, but I can still use that version to lead someone to Christ.
For it is not my words nor my speaking voice that matters, it is God's word, and He will not allow it to be void of results.