.Have the updates that have been done to the POST-1611 KJV editions been just about updated spellings or possibly punctuations or have they actually CHANGED THE WORDING of the verses? Have the word updates from say...1611 to 1769 (for instance) actually changed the words which the KJV translators used in their text (which in turn might actually alter the meaning) of the verses or passages in which they appear in?
I would be interested to see anywhere where "modern" updating of the KJV, in modern editions of IT have actually changed the wording employed by the KJV translators.
One word changed to another word with a different meaning
I don't personally know of any
Examples of differences where there is a difference in meaning have been presented before at this forum so that you should be aware of some.
The fact was also pointed out that present KJV edition add over 140 words not found in the 1611 edition, and omit 45 words that were found in the 1611. Is not the adding or omitting of words a change in wording?
There is a difference in meaning between a noun [singular in number] and a noun [plural in number]. Over 60 times the number [singular/plural] of nouns or pronouns was changed.
Leviticus 17:14
ye shall not eat the blood of no maner of flesh {1611 KJV}
ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh (present KJV's)
2 Kings 24:19 [different person, different king named in 1611 compared to present KJV]
Jehoiachin {1611 KJV}
Jehoiakim (present KJV's)
1 Kings 11:5 [different group of people named in 1611 compared to present KJV]
Amorites {1611 KJV}
Ammonites (present KJV's)
Ezekiel 24:7
powred it upon {1611 KJV}
poured it not upon (present KJV's)
1 Samuel 13:11 [see 1 Sam. 11:5 which shows that Philistines were already in Michmash]
to Michmash {1611 KJV}
at Michmash (present KJV's)
Numbers 6:14
and one lamb {1611 KJV}
and one ram (present KJV's)
Number 20:7 [different name of God indicated--Adonai vs Jehovah]
Lord {1611 KJV}
LORD (present KJV's)
Deuteronomy 26:1
the LORD {1611 KJV}
the LORD thy God (present KJV's)
Joshua 5:14
my Lord {1611 KJV}
my lord (many present KJV editions)
Zechariah 6:4
my LORD {1611 KJV)
my lord (present KJV's)
Genesis 39:16
her lord {1611 KJV}
his lord (present KJV's)
Jeremiah 49:1
God {1611 KJV}
Gad (present KJV's)
Jeremiah 52:31
Jehoiakin {1611 KJV}
Jehoiachin (present KJV's)
Psalm 69:32
seek good {1611 KJV}
seek God (present KJV's)
Ezekiel 1:2
Jehoiakins {1611 KJV}
Jehoiachin's (present KJV's)
1 Corinthians 12:28
helps in governments {1611 KJV}
helps, governments (most present KJV's)
1 Timothy 1:4
edifying {1611 KJV}
godly edifying (present KJV's)
Malachi 1:8
And if he offer {1611 KJV}
And if ye offer (present KJV's)
1 Kings 8:61
your God {1611 KJV}
our God (present KJV's)