Business, Though Not as Usual, Starts Stirring in New Orleans
Why do we need to force residents out of their homes if business is starting to stir in New Orleans? Who's going operate those businesses?
Note the predicted influx of contractors. They, like the public servants and the volunteer workers already there, are immune to the "toxic" water and won't be in the way. The journalists who've arrived to save us all by creating an endless stream of tear jerking documentaries are certainly immune from the vilest of venom and disease.
We need the residents back in New Orleans as soon as possible before their city is taken over by outsiders.
By the way, in speaking with one particular refugee family this morning, I heard again that in many cases, such as their own, the problem is not damage to their home but lack of employment near their home until commerce is restored. They, like a lot of other folks I've met, are just needing a little help to tide them over until things get going again. Of course, many others have no home or possessions left save those they brought with them or those in fiancial accounts. Some don't have anything except the help their getting and their own God given talents and motitvation. They're going to make it!
The best thing we can do is start moving people back home where there are no significant problems. They'll get busy doing constructive things to restore their communities and will generate an economy on that alone. That will create more opportunities for others to start coming back as well.
The worst thing we can do is hold them in large congregations doing nothing. Now, in those places, there's a real risk of disease rapidly spreading.
It strikes me strangly that we know how to help third world nations learn and do these things yet in our own country we feel helpless without the government telling us what's best "for our own good".
Why do we need to force residents out of their homes if business is starting to stir in New Orleans? Who's going operate those businesses?
Note the predicted influx of contractors. They, like the public servants and the volunteer workers already there, are immune to the "toxic" water and won't be in the way. The journalists who've arrived to save us all by creating an endless stream of tear jerking documentaries are certainly immune from the vilest of venom and disease.
We need the residents back in New Orleans as soon as possible before their city is taken over by outsiders.
By the way, in speaking with one particular refugee family this morning, I heard again that in many cases, such as their own, the problem is not damage to their home but lack of employment near their home until commerce is restored. They, like a lot of other folks I've met, are just needing a little help to tide them over until things get going again. Of course, many others have no home or possessions left save those they brought with them or those in fiancial accounts. Some don't have anything except the help their getting and their own God given talents and motitvation. They're going to make it!
The best thing we can do is start moving people back home where there are no significant problems. They'll get busy doing constructive things to restore their communities and will generate an economy on that alone. That will create more opportunities for others to start coming back as well.
The worst thing we can do is hold them in large congregations doing nothing. Now, in those places, there's a real risk of disease rapidly spreading.
It strikes me strangly that we know how to help third world nations learn and do these things yet in our own country we feel helpless without the government telling us what's best "for our own good".