A Resolution
Drafted by Joe Rogers (Ohio)
Recommend by the Resolutions Committee
Passed by the Constitution Party Nation Committe on 16
Sep 2005
Whereas the Second Amendment to the United States
Constitution guarantees that the right of the people
to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and
Whereas, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina there
has been malicious and deliberate violation of this
Constitutional right of the people of New Orleans, LA
by military, law enforcement, and private contractor
personnel acting under the authority and command of
the President of these United States, the Governor of
the State of Louisiana, and the Mayor of New Orleans,
Whereas Biblical Justice requires that restitution be
at least double for stealing property (Exodus 22),
Therefore, the Constitution Party absolutely condemns
each and every occurrence of such infringement. The
Constitution Party calls upon the President of these
United States, the Governor of the State of Louisiana,
and the Mayor of the city of New Orleans to do the
1) Publicly acknowledge their error for directing,
approving, or permitting these unconstitutional
actions against the people of New Orleans, and
2) Direct all personnel under their respective
authority and command to immediately cease and desist
from these unconstitutional actions against the people
of New Orleans, and
3) Direct that each and every one of these confiscated
firearms and ammunition be immediately returned to
their rightful owners, and
4) Issue a public, written, apology to the victims of
this unconstitutional action and pledge that they will
never ever again under any circumstances during their
tenure of office allow such action to be taken against
the people of their respective jurisdictions, and
5) Make restitution to each and every victim by the
appropriate element of government accountable for the
offense. This restitution shall be a cash payment in
the amount equal to the current fair market value of
the item that was stolen by the unconstitutional
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