Until you look at the New Testament as a whole you will remain confused. You can't pluck a verse here and a verse there and try to build your own belief system. I do not have the patience to try to write out everything you should know, or everything you should investigate and study. Patience is not my gift.
I appreciate your comments. I am only looking for answers.
Then you will have to look. That will involve digging, study, and prayer. If you don't want to be a Baptist that not a problem. I would advise you to be careful as many out there are dead wrong in their beliefs and theology, but I cannot be responsible for you or your choices.
I will tell you this, though. It sounds like you have been trying to mix the Law with grace. That won't work, and it has got you very confused. I have been there, so I am pretty sure I know where you are coming from.
I said it before, and it has been echoed by others already, but the CONTEXT is the key to understanding. Take Hebrews, for example. It was written to three target audiences; believing Jews who were being persecuted and killed, Jews who had intellectual agreement with the gospel but no belief, and Jews who did not agree with the gospel but had been exposed to it. The author moves from one group to another, but if you do not know this it can be very confusing. The passage in chapter six was to the middle group who had head knowledge but not heart knowledge.
Forgiving is not a work that earns salvation. It is just a part of being a Christian, like breathing is a part of living. Not everything anyone does is a work. I do a lot of things for a lot of people, but very little of it would I consider a work, and by no means would I ever think that what I do has anything to do with me keeping or maintaining my salvation. All of it is an outworking of what God has put inside me, as it is for every true follower of Christ.
The things we do are evidence of salvation, not a part of salvation. That's a simple concept, but one you seemed to have missed. I know people who would do anything for anyone, give you their last dollar, take food off their own table for others... but they are as long as a goose in a snowstorm. Some are Buddhists, some are Mormons, some are flot out pagans, and some are Muslim... but all of them are without Jesus Christ and are hell bound. They do plenty of "works" but are no closer to salvation than any other lost person.
Every Church says that they have the true teachings
Yep. Seventh Day Adventists say if you don't observe Saturday as the Sabbath you are going to hell. The Church of Christ says that they are the only ones going to heaven and everyone else is headed to hell. Mormons think they have to earn their way, that God was once a man who earned godhood, and that they can eventually become gods themselves. Most Pentecostals think that one must speak in tongues or they are not saved, and that they can be lost if they commit a sin and must be re-baptized to be re-saved. Every cult claims to have "the truth" that no one else has. If you drop your preconceived notions, dig into the bible, and listen to God and what He has to say, you will be amazed.
If we are not keeping the commandments then aren't we rejectiong His grace.
Again, you are mixing the Law with grace. The Law was given so that we may know what sin is. We are not to ignore the Law, but we are not to use it as a means of attaining righteousness or salvation. The Law is to be our schoolteacher as it instructs us of God's holiness and His absolute standard. The only one who was able to keep the Law perfectly was Jesus Christ.
Do you want to keep the whole Law? When was the last time you sacrificed an ox, or a sheep, or a goat? When was the last time you brought a meat offering, or a wave offering, or a drink offering? How about your first-fruits? Or your firstborn? Were you circumcised on the eighth day? There's a lot more to the Law than just the Ten Commandments. Paul had some strong words for the Galatians because of their straying back into the Law. Check it out and see what all he had to say to them.
I think this is what Paul means when he sayd "Remain in God's grace or you too will be cut off" Romans 11:22. I no longer have confidence in the Baptist interpretation of faith and works.
Again, context, context, context. Paul was talking to the gentiles regarding their standing in Christ. He explained that the Jews had been cut off because they refused to believe. Paul admonished the Romans that gentiles could also be cut off if they refused to believe.
God will always remain faithful. Do you believe that we have free will? We can freely turn away
We have a complete free will. That doesn't change our standing with God. We can turn our backs on Him, but He doesn't let us go. God is still God and He doesn't take orders from us. He said He would never let us go and that no one else could take us from Him, so that settles it.
I pray you find it, as it doesn't sound like you have yet.