In this thread a rule, or pre-determined choice is ask.
The NT presents only two full-size that Gentile believers are to follow, what one eats and bed partners.
The Scriptures teach principles to Gentiles not rules.
For example, the principle, “It is never right to do wrong.”
The example in the op desires one to do wrong that some nebulous measure of a greater good be accomplished. That which has more appeal to the fleshly emotions.
Because my children work, travel and live in danger even to that of the op, my wife and I have come to terms with this very matter.
1) We would appeal, and do appeal to the providence of God.
2) We would reach out to publish the need of intercessory prayer made for both captive and captors, that both may reside in the terror of God in not submitting to Him.
3) We would make all attempts to be the best witnesses to the majesty and authority of God in submitting to knowing He approved of all that has and will transpire for His Glory and our best benefit
It may hair-lip every camel in the Middle East, but the principle of the teaching of Scriptures is where all convictions, standards, preferences, and decisions must be conformed.
One should not look at the statements of Scripture to excuse something. To do so is basically presenting human actions as the standard.
Rehab lied, so It is approved to lie.
Judas coveted, so It is approved to covet.
David was a fornicator, so It is approved to fornicate.
Don’t be drunk, but drink.
Don’t covet, but steal.
It all boils down into the thinking, getting by with sin because grace abounds.