How do I know that your church is this church? How do I know that it's not the Roman Catholic church as they say? How do I know that the gates of hell not prevailing against Jesus' Bride means Apostolic Succssion and that through your church or Rome or something else?
I was raised an Independent Fundamental an IFB, we believed and were taught that our particular brand of Christianity was the authentic Church of the Apostles...we were that Church...I was one of the many that would hold my KJV high up and holler 'AMEN', when our Pastor proclaimed that what he was preaching WAS the Gospel and all the other Churches including yours BTW, was preaching another Gospel.
One day, don't ask me what brought it to mind, but all of a sudden this whole I'm right and everyone else is wrong struck me as odd...because I had friends (co-workers) that were Methodist, Presbyterian and Assemblies of God and they used the same Bible as we how was it that my Pastor was right and my friends Pastors were wrong? Not only that, but was the IFB Church really the "authentic" NT Church of the Apostles?
So I had to find out...some people are content where they mom and dad are happy being a IFB members...they were raised that way and never thought anything else of it...why do we believe what we believe? well, the Bible says it...but does it really? what of the other protestant denominations, are their interpretations just as legit as the IFB Churches are?
I spent almost 5 years praying and searching...I talked with Pastors from all walks of Protestantism, got literally verbally beat up by family members for leaving the IFB Church and thus almost gave up on the whole idea...
But at the end of the day, this was about ME and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...I'm the one who has to stand before the Lord one day and NOT before my family or before anyone else for that matter. I must work out my own salvation, as St. Paul puts it.
At this point I never even heard of the Orthodox Church, so I decided...OK, the Roman Catholic Church claims they are the true NT Church, why not see if their claims are I spent a good year, going to Mass and attending Roman Catholic RCIA...then I moved to Kansas and was driving down the road and there was a strange looking Church called "St. George Orthodox Christian Cathedral"...went home looked it up online and thus I discovered the Orthodox Church...went to a Sunday Liturgy and never looked back...a year and a half later, my family and I were Chrismated in the Orthodox Church.
This is as settled as my soul has ever been...that's MY proof and history speaks to this proof as well. Does this mean the Orthodox Church has God in their pocket...Of course not...we don't believe or teach that salvation is found only in the walls of an Orthodox Church...but we do believe the Orthodox Church is the faith in its fullest.
So really there's nothing I can say to you to prove otherwise...I was in your shoes once...I know you have good intentions, so did I...but until you really want to know the truth and put aside your preconceived notions about the RCC or the Orthodox Church and begin to sincerely understand what they believe, how and's gonna do you no good...and when and IF you do, at the end of the day, you're are still convinced the Reformed Baptist Church is where you belong, then God bless you...but it's all about humility, defeating our passions and attaining the virtues...and pride is a passion I see running rampant on this board.