The subjects reflect who All applies .Let's look at Matthew 12:15. Did Jesus heal "all" people in the sense of each and every person? Or did he heal "all" in the sense of he just healed the sick? Healthy people don't need healing...he healed a limited group, which was sick people.
Mark 2:12. Was Jesus in the sight of "all" people on the sense of everyone? No, it was limited to the people around him.
Ephesians 4:14, does Paul mean that there is someone who has been carried away by every single doctrine? No he means "all -types" in a general sense. That people are carried off by all different kinds of doctrine.
1 John 4:1. Does John mean dont believe "all", every single spirit? No context and grammar show he is limiting "all" to certain kinds of spirits.
I realize that not all English translations have "all" in English. But the Greek words all have the lexical form of πας.
Πας certain doesn't not mean "all" in the sense of every single one or thing in totality in all instances. One must look at context and grammar.
Both verse here limit "all" to a type of person.
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Mark 12 suggest all who saw him. total who knew or met the former cripple.
Matt 12:15 we should understand only the sick were healed. Total # of sick, healed individually
The total spirits or doctrines should not be believed .as one
Πας means all but not as a general group(s). but individuals of the group. like the total class was invited or each member of the class was sent an invitation
It is important because of the individual relationship God wants with us, not as a group