Well-Known Member
August 16, 2005
Dear Mr. Bush:
Sir, Mr. Webster defined tyranny as: 1] the exercise of power over subjects and others with rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purpose of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression. 2] unresisted or cruel power.
Mr. President, he defined a tyrant as a ruler who exercises unlawful authority, or lawful authority in an unlawful manner, or the demand of unreasonable services; imposes burdens and hardships on those under his control, which law and humanity do not authorize.
Sir, in my humble opinion, you and Mr. Sharon have entered into “the realm of tyrannical rule” by imposing this “disengagement–deportation of Jews by Jews” on the Israelis kicking them out from their homes, jobs, farms, lives, synagogues, and cemeteries.
Sir, there was “no way” that the government of Israel could have come up with this idea on their own. Our research on Condi Rice’s employment of Flynt Leverett through the Jim Baker Public Policy Institute to write the “ROAD MAP” shows otherwise.
Sir, this morning I spoke with Mrs. Rachel Saperstein by phone in Newe DeQalim. They are packing. They are being “deported” tomorrow. Mr. Bush, in the 65-plus years I have lived, I have never been ashamed to be an American. I am now!
Sir, this morning, I spoke with Gadi Eshel in Homesh. They (1,500 people) are still resisting the deportation. None of these events will bring peace between the Palestinians and Jews. Rather, it is a ruler exercising power to oppress by injustice and cruel punishment and demand unreasonable actions by imposing hardships and burdens on those under Sharon’s control which “law and humanity” do not authorize.
Sir, King George III and Adolph himself would most definitely be proud of you, USA President George W. Bush. But, Sir, Presidents George Washington, Jefferson, and founding fathers Franklin, Henry, and others are probably all “rolling over in their graves” at the thought of the 2005 USA President exercising power unjustly and oppressing the “APPLE OF GOD’S EYE” by bringing and demanding this burden, hardship, and unreasonable service with the “THREAT OF CRUEL PUNISHMENT” for those who do not submit.
Sir, America is not only addicted to drugs, sensuality, and the sex lifestyle, but it is also addicted TO ARAB OIL. The Arabs are holding us hostage for the “ransom of their oil.”
And, it would greatly interest us “common people” (Christian-Zionists) to know if you, our President, and Condi and the Carlyle Group are holding hostage “AID TO ISRAEL” for the ransom of American interests?
Sir, why the duplicity and double standard? If uprooting these dear people from their homes, jobs, and lives will really bring about peace between the Palestinians and Jews, then, Mr. Bush, you should cede Manhattan to Al Qaeda.
Sir, if you really believe that uprooting these people will bring peace, then you need cede land from Iraq and Afghanistan to Iran to appease the Iranians and to keep them from developing weapons of mass destruction.
Sir, last week, you said on TV, “We are not ‘ruling out force’ on Iran!” (Yes, Sir, I am for the force.) But, I also see the “inconsistency” between that and the “forced actions” the Road Map has put on the Israelis.
And, Sir, while you are at all that “ceding” you can give South Korea to the North.
In June, while visiting Israel, I was staying in Moshe Saperstein’s lovely home in Newe DeQalim in the Gush Katif. In an interview on TV, we watched you say (in so many words), “Sometimes people have to do something hard.”
Mr. Jim Baker, Ms. Rice, and you, Sir, are “sowing to the wind.” America is going to “reap” the “whirlwind” – Hosea 8:7. The “hard” that you are imposing on these dear people is going to be “nothing” like the “hard” you, America, my kids, my grandkids, and the people I pastor are going to “have to reap” at the LORD GOD OF ISRAEL’S HANDS.
God told Moses in Exodus 22 that if a man steal an ox or sheep and kill it or sell it, that he shall restore fivefold for the ox and fourfold for the sheep. If the theft be found in his hand (verse 4), then he shall restore double.
After his trusting of the Jewish Messiah in the Christian New Testament, Zacchaeus the tax collector told the LORD JESUS (Luke 19:8), “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.”
Sir, with all due respect, You, Mr. Baker, Ms. Rice, (and other Republican uppity-ups) had better start looking at your check books and planning on passing along all that (Carlyle Group) “Saudi Oil and Arms” money to compensate what “you and they” are taking from these dear Jewish people.
And, if you literally interpret Luke 19:8, it will be to a “fourfold” degree!
Sir, when you were Governor of Texas (I am a poor boy from the Panhandle.), there was a woman on the Texas death row. All the “non-capital punishment” crowd was calling for you to grant clemency.
On national TV, you said that you, as Governor, were obligated to carry out her execution.
What you best remember now, Sir, is the balloon has gone up on YOUR ROAD MAP PEACE VISION in Israel. The LORD GOD OF ISRAEL will hold you, Baker, Rice, and all the Carlyle Group folks to the “same accounting” for the loss of each and every innocent Israeli life that this foolishness now causes.
An American Christian with His Head held low,
Jim Vineyard
Pastor - Windsor Hills Baptist Church
Dear Mr. Bush:
Sir, Mr. Webster defined tyranny as: 1] the exercise of power over subjects and others with rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purpose of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression. 2] unresisted or cruel power.
Mr. President, he defined a tyrant as a ruler who exercises unlawful authority, or lawful authority in an unlawful manner, or the demand of unreasonable services; imposes burdens and hardships on those under his control, which law and humanity do not authorize.
Sir, in my humble opinion, you and Mr. Sharon have entered into “the realm of tyrannical rule” by imposing this “disengagement–deportation of Jews by Jews” on the Israelis kicking them out from their homes, jobs, farms, lives, synagogues, and cemeteries.
Sir, there was “no way” that the government of Israel could have come up with this idea on their own. Our research on Condi Rice’s employment of Flynt Leverett through the Jim Baker Public Policy Institute to write the “ROAD MAP” shows otherwise.
Sir, this morning I spoke with Mrs. Rachel Saperstein by phone in Newe DeQalim. They are packing. They are being “deported” tomorrow. Mr. Bush, in the 65-plus years I have lived, I have never been ashamed to be an American. I am now!
Sir, this morning, I spoke with Gadi Eshel in Homesh. They (1,500 people) are still resisting the deportation. None of these events will bring peace between the Palestinians and Jews. Rather, it is a ruler exercising power to oppress by injustice and cruel punishment and demand unreasonable actions by imposing hardships and burdens on those under Sharon’s control which “law and humanity” do not authorize.
Sir, King George III and Adolph himself would most definitely be proud of you, USA President George W. Bush. But, Sir, Presidents George Washington, Jefferson, and founding fathers Franklin, Henry, and others are probably all “rolling over in their graves” at the thought of the 2005 USA President exercising power unjustly and oppressing the “APPLE OF GOD’S EYE” by bringing and demanding this burden, hardship, and unreasonable service with the “THREAT OF CRUEL PUNISHMENT” for those who do not submit.
Sir, America is not only addicted to drugs, sensuality, and the sex lifestyle, but it is also addicted TO ARAB OIL. The Arabs are holding us hostage for the “ransom of their oil.”
And, it would greatly interest us “common people” (Christian-Zionists) to know if you, our President, and Condi and the Carlyle Group are holding hostage “AID TO ISRAEL” for the ransom of American interests?
Sir, why the duplicity and double standard? If uprooting these dear people from their homes, jobs, and lives will really bring about peace between the Palestinians and Jews, then, Mr. Bush, you should cede Manhattan to Al Qaeda.
Sir, if you really believe that uprooting these people will bring peace, then you need cede land from Iraq and Afghanistan to Iran to appease the Iranians and to keep them from developing weapons of mass destruction.
Sir, last week, you said on TV, “We are not ‘ruling out force’ on Iran!” (Yes, Sir, I am for the force.) But, I also see the “inconsistency” between that and the “forced actions” the Road Map has put on the Israelis.
And, Sir, while you are at all that “ceding” you can give South Korea to the North.
In June, while visiting Israel, I was staying in Moshe Saperstein’s lovely home in Newe DeQalim in the Gush Katif. In an interview on TV, we watched you say (in so many words), “Sometimes people have to do something hard.”
Mr. Jim Baker, Ms. Rice, and you, Sir, are “sowing to the wind.” America is going to “reap” the “whirlwind” – Hosea 8:7. The “hard” that you are imposing on these dear people is going to be “nothing” like the “hard” you, America, my kids, my grandkids, and the people I pastor are going to “have to reap” at the LORD GOD OF ISRAEL’S HANDS.
God told Moses in Exodus 22 that if a man steal an ox or sheep and kill it or sell it, that he shall restore fivefold for the ox and fourfold for the sheep. If the theft be found in his hand (verse 4), then he shall restore double.
After his trusting of the Jewish Messiah in the Christian New Testament, Zacchaeus the tax collector told the LORD JESUS (Luke 19:8), “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.”
Sir, with all due respect, You, Mr. Baker, Ms. Rice, (and other Republican uppity-ups) had better start looking at your check books and planning on passing along all that (Carlyle Group) “Saudi Oil and Arms” money to compensate what “you and they” are taking from these dear Jewish people.
And, if you literally interpret Luke 19:8, it will be to a “fourfold” degree!
Sir, when you were Governor of Texas (I am a poor boy from the Panhandle.), there was a woman on the Texas death row. All the “non-capital punishment” crowd was calling for you to grant clemency.
On national TV, you said that you, as Governor, were obligated to carry out her execution.
What you best remember now, Sir, is the balloon has gone up on YOUR ROAD MAP PEACE VISION in Israel. The LORD GOD OF ISRAEL will hold you, Baker, Rice, and all the Carlyle Group folks to the “same accounting” for the loss of each and every innocent Israeli life that this foolishness now causes.
An American Christian with His Head held low,
Jim Vineyard
Pastor - Windsor Hills Baptist Church