Unfortunately that is not all Calvinism is saying. Otherwise A lot of us would agree that God desires to seek and save that which is lost... I dont understand why its either all or nothing for Calvinists. Either your all in, or your a semi pelagian, or at the nicest an Arminian. She claims in her write up that she had someone weigh the evidence against her and she said it would be silly not to accept it. At some point there was some sort of 'decision' making in the process. Does that make it any less amazing? No, Does that make it any less God centered No. It is fully Gods work and fully amazing to hear testimonies. However there is more to Calvinism then just saying "God pursues lost people" or something along those lines, as I don't think anyone would doubt that. ACTUALLY to be completely fair, I think the Calvy would take more issue with that because then God could seek everyone (do you see how this collapses?). Then we start bringing in doctrines of election and predestination to try and patch this bridge up.
Furthermore, a lot of the Calvinists that I listen to may not even like this testimony. Why? Because she doesn't say that she repented, that is like the magic word for the calvys. Now I agree its important and if your a leader or going through discipleship with someone you should talk to them about what that is and see where they are at, but many of the people I listen to in the mainstream 'evangelicalism' if you will, seek the word Repentance as the new version of the sinners prayer.
I hope that makes sense, if it doesn't there's the other non-cal's on here who can use much more sophisticated points than mine, but that's my .02 in the bucket.
much love
She expresses that she was overcome- that she could not BUT believe.
That is Calvinism.
And it is true about ANY type of belief.
You don't CHOOSE to believe- you are persuaded to believe. Your beliefs are things that you obtained quite passively.
Do you BELIEVE in gravity?
Did you CHOOSE to believe in gravity?
No. You have no choice but to believe what you have been overwhelmingly persuaded to believe. You are passive as it pertains to your belief in gravity.
Belief is not a choice- it is something that happens TO us.
Non-cals believe in salvation by grace through CHOICE.
Calvinists believe in salvation by grace through faith.
Calvinists are right because they believe what the Bible teaches about salvation.
Salvation is not by grace through choice and faith is NOT a choice.
Salvation is by grace through FAITH. You believe what you HAVE BEEN PERSUADED is true.